- Contributions to catch up with latest versions of LSP and Monaco are always welcomed!
- Contributions to propose a new example should be only accepted if an author is ready to become a maintainer and help with upgrading and testing it with latest versions of LSP and Monaco.
The project is maintained by individuals using for its own purposes and being ready to help as it suites them. There is no guarantee on time of response to issues and pull requests.
- @AlexTugarev - Alex Tugarev
- @gatesn - Nicholas Gates
- @mofux - Thomas Zilz
- @akosyakov - Anton Kosyakov
- @BroKun - Yukun Wang
- @rcjsuen - Remy Suen
- @asual - Rostislav Hristov
- @zewa666 - Vildan Softic
- @johnwiseheart - John Wiseheart
- @RomanNikitenko - Roman Nikitenko
- @azatsarynnyy - Artem Zatsarynnyi
If you are using the project and would like to push it forward, please comment on this issue.
Other maintainers can add you as a collaborator with Admin
A new maintainer should be listed as a current maintainer above and as a code owner.
For simplicity, each release should bump the minor version.
- Publish:
npm login
yarn publish:latest
- Update Changelog
Travis auto publishes next version on each commmit to the master branch. One can install it as monaco-languageclient@next
For testing purporses from a pull request, one can publish dev
version with yarn publish:dev
. One can install it as monaco-languageclient@dev