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File metadata and controls

171 lines (129 loc) · 6.09 KB


A Julia package to retrieve updated MCM photolysis parameterisations including a dependence on the overlying ozone column from TUV output files. The package is tested against MacOS 10.14.1.


Install the Package by adding it to your environment going to the package manager typing ] in the julia prompt and in the package manager the following commands:

julia> ]
pkg> add
pkg> add
pkg> add
pkg> build PyPlot
pkg> instantiate
pkg> precompile

MCMphotolysis relies on two unregistered packages, which have to be installed beforehand. If you haven't installed PyPlot previously, you should build it before your first run or set plot output to false.


After installation, go back to the julia prompt by hitting backspace and import the package with using MCMphotolysis. If you haven't installed the package directly to your Julia default environment, you need to activate the environment first.

The package has two functions:

  • j_oldpars for fitting the original l,m,n MCM photolysis parameterisations
  • j_parameters for fitting updated la0,lb0,lb1, lc0,lc1,m,n MCM photolysis parameterisations with a dependence on the overlying ozone column.

Both functions rely on TUV 5.2 (or version with same format) output files, with j for every reaction at the chosen height level. For the updated parameterisations, you need TUV files for every ozone column in the chosen range (derived for 50 to 600DU every 50DU in the MCM). Files need to be saved in the format <scen>.<DU>.txt, where <scen> is a scenario name that can be chosen freely and <DU is the ozone column in Dobson units. As TUV allows only 6 characters for file names, <scen> must not be longer than 2 characters.

Deriving MCM parameterisations

Function j_oldpars derives parameters for every reaction with non-zero j values in the TUV output file for the original MCM parameterisation:

j(χ) = l·cosᵐ(χ)·exp(-n·sec(χ))

In function j_parameters, l as been re-defined as a function of ozone column:

l([DU]) = l_a0 + l_b0·exp(-l_b1/[DU])+ l_c0·exp(-l_c1/[DU])


jvals, params = j_oldpars("<scen>", **kwargs)
jvals, params = j_parameters("<scen>", **kwargs)

<scen> is the file name without .txt and without the ozone column in j_parameters. The function creates a folder params_<scen> in which it stores a text files (formatted and semicolon-separated) with parameters and 95% sigma values for every reaction and a pdf where fits are compared to the TUV data.

By default all output is saved, but it can be (partially) switched off by the following options:


  • true or "plot": all output is saved
  • "data": only text files are saved, no pdf with plots
  • false or "None": no output, only function return values


  • Int64/Vector{Int64}: text files and pdf with plots for the ozone columns specified in output either as integer or vector of several integers
  • true: only text files are saved, no pdf with plots
  • false: no output, only function return values

In addition to the output, the function returns to data types TUVdata and PhotData with the following fields:


  • jval::DataFrame with j values of all reactions
  • order::Vector{Int64} with order of magnitude for all j values for plot formatting
  • deg::Vector{Float64} with solar zenith angles in deg
  • rad::Vector{Float64} with solar zenith angles in rad
  • rxn::Vector{String} with vector of TUV reaction strings
  • mcm::Vector{Int64} with MCM photolysis reaction numbers
  • tuv::Vector{Int64} with TUV photolysis reaction numbers
  • O3col::Number with ozone column value in current scenario as specified by kwarg


  • l::Union{Vector{Float64},Vector{Any}} with MCM l parameters for every reaction
  • m::Vector{Float64} with MCM m parameters for every reaction
  • n::Vector{Float64} with MCM n parameters for every reaction
  • sigma::Vector{Vector{Float64}} with 95% sigma values for every parameter in every reaction
  • converged::Vector{Bool} with flags for convergence

Sigma is the standard error determined with the LsqFit package (

Errors for the updated l parameters in j_parameters are composed of the standard errors for the original l fit and the ozone column fit:

Δlₓ = (σ(l)/l + σ(lₓ)/lₓ)·lₓ

Trouble shooting of common errors

If you get an error message, follow the the instructions of the error message, e.g."CodecZlib")

If PyPlot crashes or fails to install, try running Julia with the system python rather than the miniconda python version by rebuilding python with:

using Pkg
ENV["PYTHON"] = "path/to/python""PyPlot")

You can get the system python version by typing which python in the terminal and copying the output.

Version history

Version 0.3.0

  • Updated database files and new kwarg MCMversion for correct MCM reaction numbers
  • Remove StatData; RMSE and R2 are not supported in v0.3.0
  • New options to only print output to text files in j_oldpars; additional semicolon-separated output
  • Rename kwarg O3col to DU
  • On failure, don't exit Julia, only abort function and return nothing
  • Rename internal functions
  • Code clean-up and bug fixes

Version 0.2.1

  • Improved error handling: assign Inf to sigmal, if conversion fails to avoid errors from LsqFit and the abortion of the script
  • Fix #4

Version 0.2.0

  • Additional function j_parameters with improved parameterisations including a dependence on the overlying ozone column. Additional csv file and pdf with the ozone column dependence fits (lpar.pdf)

Version 0.1.0

  • Function j_oldpars to write the legacy MCM parameterisations and statistical data to a text file and plot the parameterisations in a pdf compiled in the folder params_<scenario name>