Present: Dan, Jeffrey, Nick (& Forest), Don, Robin
- Part of / Values-based documents.
- Jeffrey presenting
- 6 minutes; I'll send slides by next week.
Robin: agree with the comments.. next step is to
Robin to go through it and clean it up
Jeffrey: noting a conflict ... "revoked" - martin complained that information can't be revoked...
Dan: Yes I think that makes sense...
Nick: ...does it remove separate principle text of guardaians & wards?... I guess it's fine.
no objections noted to squashing
so squashed
Don: I'm concerned we're leaving the surevillance advertising industry an out because they can claim that surveillance advertising / relevant advertising is in the user interest. You can claim that cross-context behavioral advertising raises web sites' revenue so therefore it's in the user's interest (because they receive more ad-supported content than they would without it)
Jeffrey: sometimes we have to balance different user interests...
Robin: Some people will always make claims about indirect user benefits and use potentially dubious research in support of that. We can't pre-emptively address bad faith.
Dan: is there something we can say about "direct vs. indirect user benefit"...
Don: cross-site tracking has multiple effects on the market for web ads, some of the literature only captures one side (higher revenue where a cookie is present than not present) and not the other side (cross-site tracking artificially increases supply of ad inventory by making sites that are harmful to users monetizable)
Jeffrey: all of this is separate from the changes in 325...