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Explainer: WebAuthn Signal API explainer

Nina Satragno edited this page Jul 25, 2024 · 4 revisions

Explainer: WebAuthn Signal API explainer

(note: renamed from "Report API" to avoid confusion with the Reporting API)


@arnar, @nsatragno


Allow WebAuthn relying parties to report information about existing credentials back to credential storage providers, so that incorrect or revoked credentials can be updated or removed from provider and system UI.

Background and motivation

Discoverable credentials, such as passkeys, can be requested with navigator.credentials.get with an empty allowCredentials. In this case, if a user has any credentials for that relying party, they are presented with some UI to select which credential to use. If the user selects a credential, the resulting assertion carries the value set at registration, allowing the relying party to resolve to an account without any further information.

This allows flows where the user is not required to enter a username, they simply select a credential. When used with conditional mediation, this further allows a smoother transition from traditional username entry, by allowing users that have passkeys to "fill" the username field using the passkey, and usually thereby omitting any further entry such as passwords or 2nd-factor authentication.

In such UI, passkeys are represented by the and/or the user.displayName values that the relying party specified at registration. The user sees the entries as if they are accounts, however the entries correspond to individual credentials.

This pattern poses two main problems, given the current available APIs.

  1. If a relying party stops accepting a credential, e.g. as a result of revoking it from an account or by completely deleting an account, the credential is still presented by clients during discoverable flows.
  2. Even if relying parties allow a user to change their username or display name on the account, such changes are not reflected in the display of credentials during discoverable flows.

The first case in particular is not only tied to explicit revocation or account deletion as requested by users. RPs may have policies that require them to revoke credentials after periods of inactivity. A common problem is also that the same user ends up with multiple accounts on a single RP unintentionally and may have a hard time keeping track of which accounts they want to use. Here the solution of account deletion or consolidation misses the mark if it cannot be represented in credential selection UI.


A new set of methods, PublicKeyCredential.signal*, allow relying parties to report such state updates back to user agents, who can forward these to the underlying credential providers. The API is opportunistic as there is no guarantee that the correct credential provider is reachable on the current client. Note that any credential provider action is optional and at the discretion of each provider implementation.

PublicKeyCredential.signal* methods return a promise that will reject if there are any errors parsing a report (e.g. an invalid base64url string, or claiming an invalid RPID). However, the result will not include any information about how a report was processed. This is to allow for implementations that do not collect consent from the user before e.g. updating a credential's name without leaking leaking information to the RP about the state of the credentials.


This method names a credential ID and indicates that the relying party would reject an assertion with that credential because the credential ID is unknown to the RP.

  rpId: "",
  credentialId: "vI0qOggiE3OT01ZRWBYz5l4MEgU0c7PmAA" // b64-url cred ID

Usage scenario: Immediately following a response from .get() where the credential ID was not recognized. Appropriate to report even if the user was not authenticated.

Example provider action: The credential may be marked for omission from future credential selection UI. If it was recently created and overwrote an existing credential, the previous one might be restored.

This situation may arise, for example, because the credential was revoked, or because the RP performed a create operation but failed to successfully store the public key on its backend.


This report names a value and all accepted credential IDs.

  rpId: "",
  userId: "M2YPl-KGnA8",  // b64-url
  allAcceptedCredentialIds: [
    "vI0qOggiE3OT01ZRWBYz5l4MEgU0c7PmAA",  // b64-url

Usage scenario: Immediately after an accepted .get() response, or at any time the user is authenticated and the set of accepted credentials has changed.

This report should only be made if the user has been fully authenticated.

Example provider action: Mark any non-appearing credential for the same RP ID and value for omission in future account selectors. Remove the mark from credentials that appear in the list.

Note that it's at the provider’s discretion whether to hide or permanently delete credentials that aren't present in the list.


This report names a value, a name and displayName.

  rpId: "",
  userId: "M2YPl-KGnA8",  // b64-url
  name: "",
  displayName: "J. Doe"

Usage scenario: Immediately after an accepted .get() response, or at any time the user is authenticated and their name or displayName have changed.

This report should only be made if the user has been fully authenticated.

It is not possible to update the value.

Example provider action: Update the credential store to use the supplied values in future UI representing this credential.

Note that it's at the provider’s discretion how to handle conflicts between manually edited usernames/displayNames and the RP-provided reports.


A simple way for a relying party to report updates without tracking any additional state is to call signalCurrentUserDetails and signalAllAcceptedCredentialIds after every successful sign-in (note that this can be done even if WebAuthn wasn't used to sign in).

await PublicKeyCredential.signalAllAcceptedCredentialIds({
  rpId: "",
  userId: "M2YPl-KGnA8", // same as at creation time
  allAcceptedCredentalIds: [
     // IDs of all accepted credentials

await PublicKeyCredential.signalCurrentUserDetails({
  rpId: "",
  userId: "M2YPl-KGnA8", // same as at creation time
  name: "",
  displayName: "J. Doe"

If a relying party receives an assertion with a credential that it does not recognize, it can report this back to the client. Note that it is safe to do this even if no user is signed in, as long as the credential id was already observed from this client.

await PublicKeyCredential.signalUnknownCredentialId({
  rpId: "",
  credentialId: "vI0qOggiE3OT01ZRWBYz5l4MEgU0c7PmAA"  // b64-url

If the user revokes or deletes a credential, e.g. in an account settings UI on the relying party's website, the relying party can opportunistically report this at that time with signalUnknownCredentialId. However this will only have effect if the user agent is able to route the report to the same credential provider that created this credential. It may be better to send a signalAllAcceptedCredentialIds report instead, with a complete list of valid credential IDs.