To wrap up the monorepo move, please complete the following:
- review PRs (see link list below)
- close PRs that were "moved" correctly
- handle PRs from forks (which could not be "moved" the same way)
- either alert authors to make new PRs to on the ARIA repository and close the PR
- or (to maintain a useful diff) create a branch (e.g., "old_main") and change those PRs to target that branch
- merge "closing" PR Editorial: Move this spec to ARIA monorepo #237
PR list
- Step 2C includes controls with value that are directly referenced by labelledby or describedby #183 => [accname PR 183] Step 2C includes controls with value that are directly referenced by labelledby or describedby aria#2210
- Add
nameFrom: heading
to AccName text alt algorithm #229 => [accname PR 229] AddnameFrom: heading
to AccName text alt algorithm aria#2209 - feat: update step 2F to exclude nodes referenced by aria-actions #235 => [accname PR 235] feat: update step 2F to exclude nodes referenced by aria-actions aria#2208
- Renaming LabelledBy Recursion since this step is not actually recursive. #236 => [accname PR 236] Renaming LabelledBy Recursion since it's not recursive. aria#2207
- Update to Condition for step 2C #90 => TBD (on fork)