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A collection of utils to facilitate development with Jetpack Compose.


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A collection of utils to facilitate development with Jetpack Compose.


Make sure you have jitpack added to your dependency resolution repositories by adding the following to your settings.gradle.kts:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {

Then add the dependencies you lust for to your build.gradle.kts files:

dependencies {
    // Core utils
    implementation "com.github.w2sv.Composed:composed:<version>"
    // Permission utils
    implementation "com.github.w2sv.Composed:permissions:<version>"


State Savers

 * Returns a rememberSavable state saver for Color.
fun colorSaver(): Saver<Color, Int>

 * Returns a rememberSavable state saver for an optional Color.
fun nullableColorSaver(): Saver<Color?, Float>

 * listSaver for an optional object, enabling handling of non-null instances only.
fun <Original, Saveable> nullableListSaver(
    saveNonNull: SaverScope.(value: Original) -> List<Saveable>,
    restoreNonNull: (list: List<Saveable>) -> Original?
): Saver<Original?, Any>

 * mapSaver for an optional object, enabling handling of non-null instances only.
fun <T> nullableMapSaver(
    saveNonNull: SaverScope.(value: T) -> Map<String, Any?>,
    restoreNonNull: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T
): Saver<T, Any>

Styled Text

 * Converts a HTML-styled string resource text to a remembered AnnotatedString.
fun rememberStyledTextResource(@StringRes id: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): AnnotatedString


 * Applies modifiers depending on a condition.
inline fun Modifier.thenIf(
    condition: Boolean,
    onFalse: Modifier.() -> Modifier = { this },
    onTrue: Modifier.() -> Modifier = { this },
): Modifier


 * [Column] whose [elements], rendered through [makeElement], will be divided by [makeDivider]. [makeDivider] will be invoked only in between elements, that is, neither before the first, nor after the last element.
fun <T> InterElementDividedColumn(
    elements: List<T>,
    makeElement: @Composable ColumnScope.(T) -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    makeDivider: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit = { HorizontalDivider() },
    verticalArrangement: Arrangement.Vertical = Arrangement.Top,
    horizontalAlignment: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.Start,

 * [Row] whose [elements], rendered through [makeElement], will be divided by [makeDivider]. [makeDivider] will be invoked only in between elements, that is, neither before the first, nor after the last element.
fun <T> InterElementDividedRow(
    elements: List<T>,
    makeElement: @Composable RowScope.(T) -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    makeDivider: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = { VerticalDivider() },
    horizontalArrangement: Arrangement.Horizontal = Arrangement.Start,
    verticalAlignment: Alignment.Vertical = Alignment.Top,

Flow Collectors

 * Collects from a flow and emits values into a collector.
fun <T> CollectFromFlow(
    flow: Flow<T>,
    key1: Any? = null,
    key2: Any? = null,
    collector: FlowCollector<T>

 * Collects latest from a flow with given action.
fun <T> CollectLatestFromFlow(
    flow: Flow<T>,
    key1: Any? = null,
    key2: Any? = null,
    action: suspend (value: T) -> Unit

Lifecycle Observers

 * Runs a callback whenever the lifecycleOwner reaches the given lifecycleEvent.
fun OnLifecycleEvent(
    lifecycleEvent: Lifecycle.Event,
    lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current,
    key1: Any? = null,
    key2: Any? = null,
    callback: () -> Unit

 * Runs a callback when removed from composition.
fun OnDispose(callback: () -> Unit)


 * Returns true if the landscape mode is active, false otherwise.
val isLandscapeModeActive: Boolean

 * Returns true if the portrait mode is active, false otherwise.
val isPortraitModeActive: Boolean

Dimension Conversion

 * Converts Dp to pixels.
fun Dp.toPx(): Float

 * Converts pixels to Dp.
fun Int.toDp(): Dp

 * Converts pixels to Dp.
fun Float.toDp(): Dp

Color Conversion

 * Converts a hex color string to Color.
fun String.toComposeColor(): Color

Map Conversion

 * Converts a regular Map to a SnapshotStateMap.
fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.toMutableStateMap(): SnapshotStateMap<K, V>


 * Returns a State<Float> whose value ranges from 0.0 (drawer closed) to 1.0 (drawer fully open).
fun DrawerState.visibilityPercentage(@FloatRange(from = 0.0) maxWidthPx: Float): State<Float>

 * Remembers a visibility percentage for the drawer.
fun DrawerState.rememberVisibilityPercentage(@FloatRange(from = 0.0) maxWidthPx: Float = DrawerDefaults.MaximumDrawerWidth.toPx()): State<Float>


 * Dismisses the currently showing snackbar if there is one and shows a new one with the given [snackbarVisuals].
suspend fun SnackbarHostState.dismissCurrentSnackbarAndShow(snackbarVisuals: SnackbarVisuals)

 * Dismisses the currently showing snackbar if there is one and shows a new one with the given parameters.
suspend fun SnackbarHostState.dismissCurrentSnackbarAndShow(
    message: String,
    actionLabel: String? = null,
    withDismissAction: Boolean = false,
    duration: SnackbarDuration = if (actionLabel == null) SnackbarDuration.Short else SnackbarDuration.Indefinite


fun TimeInterpolator.toEasing() = Easing

Permission States

 * Permission state which, as opposed to the accompanist ones,
 * - exposes a [grantedFromRequest] shared flow to allow for distributed subscription and callback invocation, instead of only being able to pass a onPermissionResult callback upon instantiation, which needs to cover all granting reactions, possibly impacting various components
 * - allows for callbacks upon permission requesting being suppressed
interface ExtendedPermissionState {
    val granted: Boolean
    val grantedFromRequest: SharedFlow<Boolean>
    fun launchRequest(onSuppressed: (() -> Unit)? = null)

// With the implementations:

open class ExtendedSinglePermissionState(
    private val requestLaunchedBefore: StateFlow<Boolean>,
    permissionState: PermissionState,
    override val grantedFromRequest: SharedFlow<Boolean>,
    private val defaultOnLaunchingSuppressed: () -> Unit = {}
) : PermissionState by permissionState, ExtendedPermissionState

fun rememberExtendedSinglePermissionState(
    permission: String,
    requestLaunchedBefore: StateFlow<Boolean>,
    saveRequestLaunched: () -> Unit,
    defaultOnPermissionResult: (Boolean) -> Unit = {},
    defaultOnLaunchingSuppressed: () -> Unit = {},
    scope: CoroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
): ExtendedSinglePermissionState

// And

open class ExtendedMultiplePermissionsState(
    private val requestLaunchedBefore: StateFlow<Boolean>,
    multiplePermissionsState: MultiplePermissionsState,
    override val grantedFromRequest: SharedFlow<Boolean>,
    private val defaultOnLaunchingSuppressed: () -> Unit = {}
) : MultiplePermissionsState by multiplePermissionsState, ExtendedPermissionState

fun rememberExtendedMultiplePermissionsState(
    permissions: List<String>,
    requestLaunchedBefore: StateFlow<Boolean>,
    saveRequestLaunched: () -> Unit,
    defaultOnPermissionResult: (Map<String, Boolean>) -> Unit = {},
    defaultOnLaunchingSuppressed: () -> Unit = {},
    scope: CoroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
): ExtendedMultiplePermissionsState


Designed and developed by 2024 w2sv (Janek Zangenberg)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.