PCTF radio is hosting a new game show. Check it out at wwdsm.chal.pwning.xxx:6615.
Note: The server closes stdin/stdout before executing your shellcode.
> nc wwdsm.chal.pwning.xxx 6615
The presentation is provided in odp and pdf format.
The folder demo
contains the sources and a Makefile that can be used to demonstrate both of the steps necessary for exploitation by example. Please note that this demonstration is crafted to run locally and does not behave exactly like the real challenge (binary was not provided).
If necessary, edit the offset of memory to read indemo1.s:25
. Change into the demo
folder, in one terminal run make demo1_nc
and in another make run_demo1
. The first terminal should show some output. Look for the offset of the string "flag.txt"
which is necessary for Part 2. Note that this is a relative offset to whatever was encoded in demo1.s:25
Edit demo2.s:26
to use the offset obtained in Part 1 as path argument to the open
syscall. Change into the demo
folder, in one terminal run make demo2_nc
and in another make run_demo2
. The first terminal should show the (fake-)flag stored in flag.txt