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Iury O. G. Figueiredo edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 3 revisions

There some ways to perform selection in vy, these are the most basic ones. Some of them have a little bit of logic behind like the ones for selecting from the cursor to the beginning/end of line/text.

Toggle line selection

Sometimes one is interested to copy just the line which the cursor is on. This keycommand selects the line.

Switch to NORMAL mode then put the cursor over a line then press:


If you press the same keystroke then the line will be unselected.

Select a word

It is possible to select a word when the cursor is on by pressing in NORMAL mode:


Note: Use the following to select nonspace sequences.


Select from the cursor position to the end of the line

This keycommand is used to save some time when having to place selection over a range of text. In NORMAL mode, just press:


You'll notice part of the cursor line will be selected.

Select from the cursor position to the beginning of the line

As the previous one, this one works in NORMAL mode too. Press:


to select all text until the beginning of the cursor line.

Select from the cursor position to the beginning of the file

Just as selection of lines, the control key can be used to add selection to the text when jumping to the beginning of the file. In NORMAL mode press:


Select text from the cursor position to the end of the file

Basically, switch to NORMAL mode then press:

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