Just a simple static web page on top of Kubernetes cluster
- k8s cluster
- installed ingress(preferred traefik)
- cert-manager
Our first step is, we need to create two namespaces webpage and letsencrypt
kubectl create namespace webpage kubectl create namespace letsencrypt
Second we need to deploy ClusterIssuer for cert-manager.
Replace server and email keys in letsencrypt-traefik-issuer.yml file with real information
kubectl apply -f letsencrypt-traefik-issuer.yml
Next step, create a TLS certificate.
We need to replace dnsNames key in cert.yml with a valid DNS entry
kubectl apply -f cert.yml
In our fourth step, we should build a docker image from the docker file, with a simple command.
docker build -t v17v3/vnginx:v3.1 .
Last step is, to deploy our webpage with ingress.
kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yml