A dead simple AES encryption / decryption CLI and Go library.
It works perfectly when you just want to encrypt .env
file and check it into the codebase like Rails does.
- requires go 1.20.4
go install github.com/vtno/zypher/cmd/zypher@latest
There are 3 subcommands. encrypt
, decrypt
which have similar options and keygen
which is a utility command to generate a zypher.key
# available options:
# -k, --key A key to be used on encryption / decryption. The length should be:
# 16 bytes for AES-128
# 24 bytes for AES-192
# 32 bytes for AES-256
# -f, --file A path to file to be encrypted / decrypted
# -o, --out A path to output file
# -kf, --key-file A path to key file. Default: zypher.key
# encrypting/decrypting from arg to stdout
zypher encrypt -k <AES-KEY> input-to-be-encrypt
zypher decrypt -k <AES-KEY> base64-of-the-encrypted-text
# encrypting/decrypting from file input to stdout
zypher encrypt -k <AES-KEY> -f input.txt
zypher decrypt -k <AES-KEY> -f input.txt.enc
# encrypting/decrypting from file input to another file
zypher encrypt -k <AES-KEY> -f input.txt -o input.txt.enc
zypher decrypt -k <AES-KEY> -f input.txt.enc -o input.txt
# this works too!
zypher encrypt -k <AES-KEY> -f input.txt > input.txt.enc
zypher decrypt -k <AES-KEY> -f input.txt.enc > input.txt
# the key can also be set as ZYPHER_KEY env
zypher encrypt -f input.txt > input.txt.enc
zypher decrypt -f input.txt.enc > input.txt
# the key is automatically lookup on zypher.key file
# and could be overridden with --key-file flag
zypher encrypt -kf your-own.key -f input.txt -o input.txt.enc
zypher decrypt -kf /some/path/your-own.key -f input.txt.enc -o input.txt
# generate zypher.key easily with keygen command
zypher keygen