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Tables Extension

Vladimir Schneider edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 1 revision

Converts table elements of the form:

|    Heading Centered    | Heading Left Aligned   |  Heading Centered  |   Heading Right Aligned |
| Cell text left aligned | Cell text left aligned | Cell text centered | Cell text right aligned |
| cell 21                | cell 22                |      cell 22       |                 cell 22 |

If GitHub table rendering option is not selected then tables can have multiple header rows, number of columns in table body does not need to match header or separator line columns and column spans can be specified by adding consecutive | at the end of the cell. Each pipe represents column span count || spans two columns, ||| three, etc.

When column span syntax is enabled, empty table cells must have at least one space. Otherwise they will be interpreted as column spans for the previous cell.

Note that this extended syntax is not supported by GitHub.

⚠️ Table elements must be preceded by a blank line to be processed by this extension.