diff --git a/docs/Puppet/Provider/Rabbitmqctl.html b/docs/Puppet/Provider/Rabbitmqctl.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..19411c1dc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/Puppet/Provider/Rabbitmqctl.html @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ + + + + + + + Class: Puppet::Provider::Rabbitmqctl + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Class: Puppet::Provider::Rabbitmqctl + + + +

+ +
+ Puppet::Provider + +
  • Object
  • + + + + + +
+ show all + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Defined in:
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + +

+ Class Method Summary + collapse +

+ + + + + + + +

Class Method Details

+ + +

+ + .rabbitmq_versionObject + + + + + +

+ + + + +
# File 'lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmqctl.rb', line 5
+def self.rabbitmq_version
+  output = rabbitmqctl('-q', 'status')
+  version = output.match(%r{\{rabbit,"RabbitMQ","([\d\.]+)"\}})
+  version[1] if version
+ +

+ + .run_with_retries(count = 30, step = 6, timeout = 10) ⇒ Object + + + + + +


Retry the given code block 'count' retries or until the +command suceeeds. Use 'step' delay between retries. +Limit each query time by 'timeout'. +For example: + users = self.class.run_with_retries { rabbitmqctl 'list_users' }

+ + +
+ +


    + +
  • + + + (Puppet::Error) + + + +
  • + +
+ +
+ + + + +
# File 'lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmqctl.rb', line 16
+def self.run_with_retries(count = 30, step = 6, timeout = 10)
+  count.times do |_n|
+    begin
+      output = Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
+        yield
+      end
+    rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure, Timeout::Error
+      Puppet.debug 'Command failed, retrying'
+      sleep step
+    else
+      Puppet.debug 'Command succeeded'
+      return output
+    end
+  end
+  raise Puppet::Error, "Command is still failing after #{count * step} seconds expired!"
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/_index.html b/docs/_index.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33e464b69 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/_index.html @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + + + + + + + Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Documentation by YARD 0.9.10


Alphabetic Index

+ +

Puppet Class Listing A-Z

+ + + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + +

Resource Type Listing A-Z

+ + + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Provider Listing A-Z

+ + + + + + +
+ + +
  • R
  • +
      + +
    • + rabbitmqadmin + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_queue) + +
    • + +
    • + rabbitmqadmin + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_binding) + +
    • + +
    • + rabbitmqadmin + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_exchange) + +
    • + +
    • + rabbitmqctl + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_user) + +
    • + +
    • + rabbitmqctl + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_vhost) + +
    • + +
    • + rabbitmqctl + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_policy) + +
    • + +
    • + rabbitmqctl + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_parameter) + +
    • + +
    • + rabbitmqctl + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_user_permissions) + +
    • + +
    • + rabbitmqplugins + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_plugin) + +
    • + +
    • + ruby + + (Resource type: rabbitmq_erlang_cookie) + +
    • + +
+ +
+ + + +

File Listing

+ + +
+ +

Ruby Namespace Listing A-Z

+ + + + + + +
+ + +
  • R
  • + +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/class_list.html b/docs/class_list.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23a92b5a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/class_list.html @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Ruby Class List + + + +

Ruby Class List

+ + + +
+ + +
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index 000000000..9786b7cbe --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/method_list.html @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Ruby Method List + + + +
+ + + +
+ + diff --git a/docs/puppet_class_list.html b/docs/puppet_class_list.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1fddf4e5a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_class_list.html @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Puppet Class List + + + +
+ + + +
+ + diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e99754779 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq.html @@ -0,0 +1,2154 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq

+ +
+ + +
Inherited by:
+ + rabbitmq::service
+ +
+ +
Defined in:
+ manifests/init.pp +
+ +


+ A module to manage RabbitMQ + +




+ +
+ +


+ + +

Basic usage


+ +
include rabbitmq
+ + +

rabbitmq class


+ +
class { 'rabbitmq':
+  service_manage    => false,
+  port              => '5672',
+  delete_guest_user => true,
+ + +

Offline installation from local mirror:


+ +

+class { 'rabbitmq':
+  key_content     => template('openstack/rabbit.pub.key'),
+  package_gpg_key => '/tmp/rabbit.pub.key',
+ + +

Use external package key source for any (apt/rpm) package provider:


+ +
class { 'rabbitmq':
+  package_gpg_key => 'http://www.some_site.some_domain/some_key.pub.key',
+ + +

To use RabbitMQ Environment Variables, use the parameters environment_variables e.g.:


+ +

+class { 'rabbitmq':
+  port                  => '5672',
+  environment_variables => {
+    'NODENAME'    => 'node01',
+    'SERVICENAME' => 'RabbitMQ'
+  }
+ + +

Change RabbitMQ Config Variables in rabbitmq.config:


+ +

+class { 'rabbitmq':
+  port             => '5672',
+  config_variables => {
+    'hipe_compile' => true,
+    'frame_max'    => 131072,
+    'log_levels'   => "[{connection, info}]"
+  }
+ + +

Change Erlang Kernel Config Variables in rabbitmq.config


+ +
class { 'rabbitmq':
+  port                    => '5672',
+  config_kernel_variables => {
+    'inet_dist_listen_min' => 9100,
+    'inet_dist_listen_max' => 9105,
+  }
+ + +

Change Management Plugin Config Variables in rabbitmq.config


+ +
class { 'rabbitmq':
+  config_management_variables => {
+    'rates_mode' => 'basic',
+  }
+ + +

Change Additional Config Variables in rabbitmq.config


+ +
class { 'rabbitmq':
+  config_additional_variables => {
+    'autocluster' => '[{consul_service, "rabbit"},{cluster_name, "rabbit"}]',
+    'foo'         => '[{bar, "baz"}]'
+  }
+This will result in the following config appended to the config file:
+{autocluster, [{consul_service, "rabbit"},{cluster_name, "rabbit"}]},
+ {foo, [{bar, "baz"}]}
+(This is required for the [autocluster plugin](https://github.com/aweber/rabbitmq-autocluster)
+ + +

Use RabbitMQ clustering facilities


+ +
class { 'rabbitmq':
+  config_cluster           => true,
+  cluster_nodes            => ['rabbit1', 'rabbit2'],
+  cluster_node_type        => 'ram',
+  erlang_cookie            => 'A_SECRET_COOKIE_STRING',
+  wipe_db_on_cookie_change => true,
+ +


    + +
  • + + admin_enable + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::admin_enable) + + + — +

    If enabled sets up the management interface/plugin for RabbitMQ.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + auth_backends + + + (Optional[Array]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    An array specifying authorization/authentication backend to use. Single quotes should be placed around array entries, ex. ['baz', 'baz'] Defaults to [rabbit_auth_backend_internal], and if using LDAP defaults to [rabbit_auth_backend_internal, rabbit_auth_backend_ldap].

    + +
  • + +
  • + + cluster_node_type + + + (Enum['ram', 'disk', 'disc']) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::cluster_node_type) + + + — +

    Choose between disc and ram nodes.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + cluster_nodes + + + (Array) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::cluster_nodes) + + + — +

    An array of nodes for clustering.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + cluster_partition_handling + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::cluster_partition_handling) + + + — +

    Value to set for cluster_partition_handling RabbitMQ configuration variable.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + collect_statistics_interval + + + (Optional[Integer]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Set the collect_statistics_interval in rabbitmq.config

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config) + + + — +

    The file to use as the rabbitmq.config template.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_additional_variables + + + (Hash) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_additional_variables) + + + — +

    Additional config variables in rabbitmq.config

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_cluster + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_cluster) + + + — +

    Enable or disable clustering support.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_kernel_variables + + + (Hash) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_kernel_variables) + + + — +

    Hash of Erlang kernel configuration variables to set (see Variables Configurable in rabbitmq.config).

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_path + + + (Stdlib::Absolutepath) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_path) + + + — +

    The path to write the RabbitMQ configuration file to.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_management_variables + + + (Hash) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_management_variables) + + + — +

    Hash of configuration variables for the Management Plugin.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_stomp + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_stomp) + + + — +

    Enable or disable stomp.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_shovel + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_shovel) + + + — +

    Enable or disable shovel.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_shovel_statics + + + (Hash) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_shovel_statics) + + + — +

    Hash of static shovel configurations

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_variables + + + (Hash) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_variables) + + + — +

    To set config variables in rabbitmq.config

    + +
  • + +
  • + + default_user + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::default_user) + + + — +

    Username to set for the default_user in rabbitmq.config.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + default_pass + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::default_pass) + + + — +

    Password to set for the default_user in rabbitmq.config.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + delete_guest_user + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::delete_guest_user) + + + — +

    Controls whether default guest user is deleted.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + env_config + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::env_config) + + + — +

    The template file to use for rabbitmq_env.config.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + env_config_path + + + (Stdlib::Absolutepath) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::env_config_path) + + + — +

    The path to write the rabbitmq_env.config file to.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + environment_variables + + + (Hash) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::environment_variables) + + + — +

    RabbitMQ Environment Variables in rabbitmq_env.config

    + +
  • + +
  • + + erlang_cookie + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    The erlang cookie to use for clustering - must be the same between all nodes. This value has no default and must be +set explicitly if using clustering. If you run Pacemaker and you don't want to use RabbitMQ buildin cluster, you can set config_cluster +to 'False' and set 'erlang_cookie'.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + file_limit + + + (Variant[Integer[-1,], Enum['unlimited', 'infinity']]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::file_limit) + + + — +

    Set rabbitmq file ulimit. Defaults to 16384. Only available on systems with $::osfamily == 'Debian' or +$::osfamily == 'RedHat'.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + heartbeat + + + (Optional[Integer]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Set the heartbeat timeout interval, default is unset which uses the builtin server defaults of 60 seconds. Setting this

    + +
  • + +
  • + + inetrc_config + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::inetrc_config) + + + — +

    Template to use for the inetrc config

    + +
  • + +
  • + + inetrc_config_path + + + (Stdlib::Absolutepath) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::inetrc_config_path) + + + — +

    Path of the file to push the inetrc config to.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ipv6 + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ipv6) + + + — +

    Whether to listen on ipv6

    + +
  • + +
  • + + interface + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Interface to bind to (sets tcp_listeners parameter). By default, bind to all interfaces +to 0 will disable heartbeats.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + key_content + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Uses content method for Debian OS family. Should be a template for apt::source class. Overrides package_gpg_key +behavior, if enabled. Undefined by default.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ldap_auth + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ldap_auth) + + + — +

    Set to true to enable LDAP auth.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ldap_server + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ldap_server) + + + — +

    LDAP server to use for auth.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ldap_user_dn_pattern + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ldap_user_dn_pattern) + + + — +

    User DN pattern for LDAP auth.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ldap_other_bind + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ldap_other_bind) + + + — +

    How to bind to the LDAP server. Defaults to 'anon'.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ldap_config_variables + + + (Hash) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ldap_config_variables) + + + — +

    Hash of other LDAP config variables.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ldap_use_ssl + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ldap_use_ssl) + + + — +

    Set to true to use SSL for the LDAP server.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ldap_port + + + (Integer[1, 65535]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ldap_port) + + + — +

    Numeric port for LDAP server.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ldap_log + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ldap_log) + + + — +

    Set to true to log LDAP auth.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + manage_python + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::manage_python) + + + — +

    If enabled, on platforms that don't provide a Python 2 package by default, ensure that the python package is +installed (for rabbitmqadmin). This will only apply if admin_enable and service_manage are set.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + management_hostname + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    The hostname for the RabbitMQ management interface.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + management_port + + + (Integer[1, 65535]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::management_port) + + + — +

    The port for the RabbitMQ management interface.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + management_ip_address + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Allows you to set the IP for management interface to bind to separately. Set to to bind to +localhost only, or to bind to all interfaces.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + management_ssl + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::management_ssl) + + + — +

    Enable/Disable SSL for the management port. Has an effect only if ssl => true.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + node_ip_address + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Allows you to set the IP for RabbitMQ service to bind to. Set to to bind to localhost only, or +to bind to all interfaces.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + package_apt_pin + + + (Optional[Variant[Numeric, String]]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Whether to pin the package to a particular source

    + +
  • + +
  • + + package_ensure + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::package_ensure) + + + — +

    Determines the ensure state of the package. Set to installed by default, but could be changed to latest.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + package_gpg_key + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::package_gpg_key) + + + — +

    RPM package GPG key to import. Uses source method. Should be a URL for Debian/RedHat OS family, or a file name for +RedHat OS family. Set to https://packagecloud.io/gpg.key by default. Note, that key_content, if specified, would override this +parameter for Debian OS family.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + package_name + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::package_name) + + + — +

    The name of the package to install.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + port + + + (Integer) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::port) + + + — +

    The RabbitMQ port.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + repos_ensure + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::repos_ensure) + + + — +

    Ensure that a repo with the official (and newer) RabbitMQ package is configured, along with its signing key. +Defaults to false (use system packages). This does not ensure that soft dependencies (like EPEL on RHEL systems) are present.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + service_ensure + + + (Enum['running', 'stopped']) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::service_ensure) + + + — +

    The state of the service.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + service_manage + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::service_manage) + + + — +

    Determines if the service is managed.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + service_name + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::service_name) + + + — +

    The name of the service to manage.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl) + + + — +

    Configures the service for using SSL. +port => UNSET

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_cacert + + + (Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    CA cert path to use for SSL.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_cert + + + (Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Cert to use for SSL.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_cert_password + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Password used when generating CSR.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_depth + + + (Optional[Integer]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    SSL verification depth.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_dhfile + + + (Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Use this dhparam file [example: generate with openssl dhparam -out /etc/rabbitmq/ssl/dhparam.pem 2048

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_erl_dist + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_erl_dist) + + + — +

    Whether to use the erlang package's SSL (relies on the ssl_erl_path fact)

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_honor_cipher_order + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_honor_cipher_order) + + + — +

    Force use of server cipher order

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_interface + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Interface for SSL listener to bind to

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_key + + + (Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Key to use for SSL.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_only + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_only) + + + — +

    Configures the service to only use SSL. No cleartext TCP listeners will be created. Requires that ssl => true and

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_management_port + + + (Integer[1, 65535]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_management_port) + + + — +

    SSL management port.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_port + + + (Integer[1, 65535]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_port) + + + — +

    SSL port for RabbitMQ

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_reuse_sessions + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_reuse_sessions) + + + — +

    Reuse ssl sessions

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_secure_renegotiate + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_secure_renegotiate) + + + — +

    Use ssl secure renegotiate

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_stomp_port + + + (Integer[1, 65535]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_stomp_port) + + + — +

    SSL stomp port.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_verify + + + (Enum['verify_none','verify_peer']) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_verify) + + + — +

    rabbitmq.config SSL verify setting.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert) + + + — +

    rabbitmq.config fail_if_no_peer_cert setting.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_management_verify + + + (Enum['verify_none','verify_peer']) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_management_verify) + + + — +

    rabbitmq.config SSL verify setting for rabbitmq_management.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_manaagement_fail_if_no_peer_cert + + + + + + + — +

    rabbitmq.config fail_if_no_peer_cert setting for rabbitmq_management.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_versions + + + (Optional[Array]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Choose which SSL versions to enable. Example: ['tlsv1.2', 'tlsv1.1'] Note that it is recommended to disable sslv3 +andtlsv1` to prevent against POODLE and BEAST attacks. Please see the RabbitMQ SSL documentation +for more information.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_ciphers + + + (Array) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_ciphers) + + + — +

    Support only a given list of SSL ciphers. Example: ['dhe_rsa,aes_256_cbc,sha','dhe_dss,aes_256_cbc,sha', +'ecdhe_rsa,aes_256_cbc,sha']. Supported ciphers in your install can be listed with: rabbitmqctl eval 'ssl:cipher_suites().' +Functionality can be tested with cipherscan or similar tool: https://github.com/jvehent/cipherscan.git

    + +
  • + +
  • + + stomp_port + + + (Integer[1, 65535]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::stomp_port) + + + — +

    The port to use for Stomp.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + stomp_ssl_only + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::stomp_ssl_only) + + + — +

    Configures STOMP to only use SSL. No cleartext STOMP TCP listeners will be created. Requires setting +ssl_stomp_port also.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + stomp_ensure + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::stomp_ensure) + + + — +

    Enable to install the stomp plugin.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + tcp_backlog + + + (Integer) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::tcp_backlog) + + + — +

    The size of the backlog on TCP connections.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + tcp_keepalive + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::tcp_keepalive) + + + — +

    Enable TCP connection keepalive for RabbitMQ service.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + tcp_recbuf + + + (Optional[Integer]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Corresponds to recbuf in RabbitMQ tcp_listen_options

    + +
  • + +
  • + + tcp_sndbuf + + + (Optional[Integer]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + + — +

    Integer, corresponds to sndbuf in RabbitMQ tcp_listen_options

    + +
  • + +
  • + + wipe_db_on_cookie_change + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::wipe_db_on_cookie_change) + + + — +

    Boolean to determine if we should DESTROY AND DELETE the RabbitMQ database.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + rabbitmq_user + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::rabbitmq_user) + + + — +

    OS dependent, default defined in param.pp. The system user the rabbitmq daemon runs as.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + rabbitmq_group + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::rabbitmq_group) + + + — +

    OS dependent, default defined in param.pp. The system group the rabbitmq daemon runs as.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + rabbitmq_home + + + (Stdlib::Absolutepath) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::rabbitmq_home) + + + — +

    OS dependent. default defined in param.pp. The home directory of the rabbitmq deamon.

    + +
  • + +
  • + + $rabbitmqadmin_package + + + + + + + — +

    OS dependent. default defined in param.pp. If undef: install rabbitmqadmin via archive, otherwise via package

    + +
  • + +
  • + + config_ranch + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_ranch) + + +
  • + +
  • + + package_source + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + +
  • + +
  • + + package_provider + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + +
  • + +
  • + + ssl_management_fail_if_no_peer_cert + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::ssl_management_fail_if_no_peer_cert) + + +
  • + +
  • + + rabbitmqadmin_package + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::rabbitmqadmin_package) + + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + + +
# File 'manifests/init.pp', line 188
+class rabbitmq(
+  Boolean $admin_enable                                            = $rabbitmq::params::admin_enable,
+  Enum['ram', 'disk', 'disc'] $cluster_node_type                   = $rabbitmq::params::cluster_node_type,
+  Array $cluster_nodes                                             = $rabbitmq::params::cluster_nodes,
+  String $config                                                   = $rabbitmq::params::config,
+  Boolean $config_cluster                                          = $rabbitmq::params::config_cluster,
+  Stdlib::Absolutepath $config_path                                = $rabbitmq::params::config_path,
+  Boolean $config_ranch                                            = $rabbitmq::params::config_ranch,
+  Boolean $config_stomp                                            = $rabbitmq::params::config_stomp,
+  Boolean $config_shovel                                           = $rabbitmq::params::config_shovel,
+  Hash $config_shovel_statics                                      = $rabbitmq::params::config_shovel_statics,
+  String $default_user                                             = $rabbitmq::params::default_user,
+  String $default_pass                                             = $rabbitmq::params::default_pass,
+  Boolean $delete_guest_user                                       = $rabbitmq::params::delete_guest_user,
+  String $env_config                                               = $rabbitmq::params::env_config,
+  Stdlib::Absolutepath $env_config_path                            = $rabbitmq::params::env_config_path,
+  Optional[String] $erlang_cookie                                  = undef,
+  Optional[String] $interface                                      = undef,
+  Optional[String] $management_ip_address                          = undef,
+  Integer[1, 65535] $management_port                               = $rabbitmq::params::management_port,
+  Boolean $management_ssl                                          = $rabbitmq::params::management_ssl,
+  Optional[String] $management_hostname                            = undef,
+  Optional[String] $node_ip_address                                = undef,
+  Optional[Variant[Numeric, String]] $package_apt_pin              = undef,
+  String $package_ensure                                           = $rabbitmq::params::package_ensure,
+  Optional[String] $package_gpg_key                                = $rabbitmq::params::package_gpg_key,
+  String $package_name                                             = $rabbitmq::params::package_name,
+  Optional[String] $package_source                                 = undef,
+  Optional[String] $package_provider                               = undef,
+  Boolean $repos_ensure                                            = $rabbitmq::params::repos_ensure,
+  Boolean $manage_python                                           = $rabbitmq::params::manage_python,
+  String $rabbitmq_user                                            = $rabbitmq::params::rabbitmq_user,
+  String $rabbitmq_group                                           = $rabbitmq::params::rabbitmq_group,
+  Stdlib::Absolutepath $rabbitmq_home                              = $rabbitmq::params::rabbitmq_home,
+  Integer $port                                                    = $rabbitmq::params::port,
+  Boolean $tcp_keepalive                                           = $rabbitmq::params::tcp_keepalive,
+  Integer $tcp_backlog                                             = $rabbitmq::params::tcp_backlog,
+  Optional[Integer] $tcp_sndbuf                                    = undef,
+  Optional[Integer] $tcp_recbuf                                    = undef,
+  Optional[Integer] $heartbeat                                     = undef,
+  Enum['running', 'stopped'] $service_ensure                       = $rabbitmq::params::service_ensure,
+  Boolean $service_manage                                          = $rabbitmq::params::service_manage,
+  String $service_name                                             = $rabbitmq::params::service_name,
+  Boolean $ssl                                                     = $rabbitmq::params::ssl,
+  Boolean $ssl_only                                                = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_only,
+  Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ssl_cacert                       = undef,
+  Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ssl_cert                         = undef,
+  Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ssl_key                          = undef,
+  Optional[Integer] $ssl_depth                                     = undef,
+  Optional[String] $ssl_cert_password                              = undef,
+  Integer[1, 65535] $ssl_port                                      = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_port,
+  Optional[String] $ssl_interface                                  = undef,
+  Integer[1, 65535] $ssl_management_port                           = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_management_port,
+  Integer[1, 65535] $ssl_stomp_port                                = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_stomp_port,
+  Enum['verify_none','verify_peer'] $ssl_verify                    = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_verify,
+  Boolean $ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert                                = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert,
+  Enum['verify_none','verify_peer'] $ssl_management_verify         = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_management_verify,
+  Boolean $ssl_management_fail_if_no_peer_cert                     = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_management_fail_if_no_peer_cert,
+  Optional[Array] $ssl_versions                                    = undef,
+  Boolean $ssl_secure_renegotiate                                  = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_secure_renegotiate,
+  Boolean $ssl_reuse_sessions                                      = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_reuse_sessions,
+  Boolean $ssl_honor_cipher_order                                  = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_honor_cipher_order,
+  Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ssl_dhfile                       = undef,
+  Array $ssl_ciphers                                               = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_ciphers,
+  Boolean $stomp_ensure                                            = $rabbitmq::params::stomp_ensure,
+  Boolean $ldap_auth                                               = $rabbitmq::params::ldap_auth,
+  String $ldap_server                                              = $rabbitmq::params::ldap_server,
+  Optional[String] $ldap_user_dn_pattern                           = $rabbitmq::params::ldap_user_dn_pattern,
+  String $ldap_other_bind                                          = $rabbitmq::params::ldap_other_bind,
+  Boolean $ldap_use_ssl                                            = $rabbitmq::params::ldap_use_ssl,
+  Integer[1, 65535] $ldap_port                                     = $rabbitmq::params::ldap_port,
+  Boolean $ldap_log                                                = $rabbitmq::params::ldap_log,
+  Hash $ldap_config_variables                                      = $rabbitmq::params::ldap_config_variables,
+  Integer[1, 65535] $stomp_port                                    = $rabbitmq::params::stomp_port,
+  Boolean $stomp_ssl_only                                          = $rabbitmq::params::stomp_ssl_only,
+  Boolean $wipe_db_on_cookie_change                                = $rabbitmq::params::wipe_db_on_cookie_change,
+  String $cluster_partition_handling                               = $rabbitmq::params::cluster_partition_handling,
+  Variant[Integer[-1,], Enum['unlimited', 'infinity']] $file_limit = $rabbitmq::params::file_limit,
+  Hash $environment_variables                                      = $rabbitmq::params::environment_variables,
+  Hash $config_variables                                           = $rabbitmq::params::config_variables,
+  Hash $config_kernel_variables                                    = $rabbitmq::params::config_kernel_variables,
+  Hash $config_management_variables                                = $rabbitmq::params::config_management_variables,
+  Hash $config_additional_variables                                = $rabbitmq::params::config_additional_variables,
+  Optional[Array] $auth_backends                                   = undef,
+  Optional[String] $key_content                                    = undef,
+  Optional[Integer] $collect_statistics_interval                   = undef,
+  Boolean $ipv6                                                    = $rabbitmq::params::ipv6,
+  String $inetrc_config                                            = $rabbitmq::params::inetrc_config,
+  Stdlib::Absolutepath $inetrc_config_path                         = $rabbitmq::params::inetrc_config_path,
+  Boolean $ssl_erl_dist                                            = $rabbitmq::params::ssl_erl_dist,
+  Optional[String] $rabbitmqadmin_package                          = $rabbitmq::params::rabbitmqadmin_package,
+) inherits rabbitmq::params {
+  if $ssl_only and ! $ssl {
+    fail('$ssl_only => true requires that $ssl => true')
+  }
+  if $config_stomp and $stomp_ssl_only and ! $ssl_stomp_port  {
+    fail('$stomp_ssl_only requires that $ssl_stomp_port be set')
+  }
+  if $ssl_versions {
+    unless $ssl {
+      fail('$ssl_versions requires that $ssl => true')
+    }
+  }
+  if $repos_ensure {
+    case $facts['os']['family'] {
+      'RedHat': {
+        contain rabbitmq::repo::rhel
+      }
+      'Debian': {
+        contain rabbitmq::repo::apt
+      }
+      default: {
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  contain rabbitmq::install
+  contain rabbitmq::config
+  contain rabbitmq::service
+  contain rabbitmq::management
+  if $admin_enable and $service_manage {
+    include 'rabbitmq::install::rabbitmqadmin'
+    rabbitmq_plugin { 'rabbitmq_management':
+      ensure   => present,
+      notify   => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+      provider => 'rabbitmqplugins',
+    }
+    Class['rabbitmq::service'] -> Class['rabbitmq::install::rabbitmqadmin']
+    Class['rabbitmq::install::rabbitmqadmin'] -> Rabbitmq_exchange<| |>
+  }
+  if $stomp_ensure {
+    rabbitmq_plugin { 'rabbitmq_stomp':
+      ensure => present,
+      notify => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+    }
+  }
+  if ($ldap_auth) {
+    rabbitmq_plugin { 'rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap':
+      ensure => present,
+      notify => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+    }
+  }
+  if ($config_shovel) {
+    rabbitmq_plugin { 'rabbitmq_shovel':
+      ensure   => present,
+      notify   => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+      provider => 'rabbitmqplugins',
+    }
+    if ($admin_enable) {
+      rabbitmq_plugin { 'rabbitmq_shovel_management':
+        ensure   => present,
+        notify   => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+        provider => 'rabbitmqplugins',
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Class['rabbitmq::install']
+  -> Class['rabbitmq::config']
+  ~> Class['rabbitmq::service']
+  -> Class['rabbitmq::management']
+  # Make sure the various providers have their requirements in place.
+  Class['rabbitmq::install'] -> Rabbitmq_plugin<| |>
+ + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aconfig.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aconfig.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..021fa7893 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aconfig.html @@ -0,0 +1,653 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq::config + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq::config

+ + +
Defined in:
+ manifests/config.pp +
+ +



Class: rabbitmq::config +Sets all the configuration values for RabbitMQ and creates the directories for +config and ssl.

+ +
+ + +
+ + + + + +
# File 'manifests/config.pp', line 4
+class rabbitmq::config {
+  $admin_enable                        = $rabbitmq::admin_enable
+  $cluster_node_type                   = $rabbitmq::cluster_node_type
+  $cluster_nodes                       = $rabbitmq::cluster_nodes
+  $config                              = $rabbitmq::config
+  $config_cluster                      = $rabbitmq::config_cluster
+  $config_path                         = $rabbitmq::config_path
+  $config_ranch                        = $rabbitmq::config_ranch
+  $config_stomp                        = $rabbitmq::config_stomp
+  $config_shovel                       = $rabbitmq::config_shovel
+  $config_shovel_statics               = $rabbitmq::config_shovel_statics
+  $default_user                        = $rabbitmq::default_user
+  $default_pass                        = $rabbitmq::default_pass
+  $env_config                          = $rabbitmq::env_config
+  $env_config_path                     = $rabbitmq::env_config_path
+  $erlang_cookie                       = $rabbitmq::erlang_cookie
+  $interface                           = $rabbitmq::interface
+  $management_port                     = $rabbitmq::management_port
+  $management_ssl                      = $rabbitmq::management_ssl
+  $management_hostname                 = $rabbitmq::management_hostname
+  $node_ip_address                     = $rabbitmq::node_ip_address
+  $rabbitmq_user                       = $rabbitmq::rabbitmq_user
+  $rabbitmq_group                      = $rabbitmq::rabbitmq_group
+  $rabbitmq_home                       = $rabbitmq::rabbitmq_home
+  $port                                = $rabbitmq::port
+  $tcp_keepalive                       = $rabbitmq::tcp_keepalive
+  $tcp_backlog                         = $rabbitmq::tcp_backlog
+  $tcp_sndbuf                          = $rabbitmq::tcp_sndbuf
+  $tcp_recbuf                          = $rabbitmq::tcp_recbuf
+  $heartbeat                           = $rabbitmq::heartbeat
+  $service_name                        = $rabbitmq::service_name
+  $ssl                                 = $rabbitmq::ssl
+  $ssl_only                            = $rabbitmq::ssl_only
+  $ssl_cacert                          = $rabbitmq::ssl_cacert
+  $ssl_cert                            = $rabbitmq::ssl_cert
+  $ssl_key                             = $rabbitmq::ssl_key
+  $ssl_depth                           = $rabbitmq::ssl_depth
+  $ssl_cert_password                   = $rabbitmq::ssl_cert_password
+  $ssl_port                            = $rabbitmq::ssl_port
+  $ssl_interface                       = $rabbitmq::ssl_interface
+  $ssl_management_port                 = $rabbitmq::ssl_management_port
+  $ssl_management_verify               = $rabbitmq::ssl_management_verify
+  $ssl_management_fail_if_no_peer_cert = $rabbitmq::ssl_management_fail_if_no_peer_cert
+  $ssl_stomp_port                      = $rabbitmq::ssl_stomp_port
+  $ssl_verify                          = $rabbitmq::ssl_verify
+  $ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert            = $rabbitmq::ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert
+  $ssl_secure_renegotiate              = $rabbitmq::ssl_secure_renegotiate
+  $ssl_reuse_sessions                  = $rabbitmq::ssl_reuse_sessions
+  $ssl_honor_cipher_order              = $rabbitmq::ssl_honor_cipher_order
+  $ssl_dhfile                          = $rabbitmq::ssl_dhfile
+  $ssl_versions                        = $rabbitmq::ssl_versions
+  $ssl_ciphers                         = $rabbitmq::ssl_ciphers
+  $stomp_port                          = $rabbitmq::stomp_port
+  $stomp_ssl_only                      = $rabbitmq::stomp_ssl_only
+  $ldap_auth                           = $rabbitmq::ldap_auth
+  $ldap_server                         = $rabbitmq::ldap_server
+  $ldap_user_dn_pattern                = $rabbitmq::ldap_user_dn_pattern
+  $ldap_other_bind                     = $rabbitmq::ldap_other_bind
+  $ldap_use_ssl                        = $rabbitmq::ldap_use_ssl
+  $ldap_port                           = $rabbitmq::ldap_port
+  $ldap_log                            = $rabbitmq::ldap_log
+  $ldap_config_variables               = $rabbitmq::ldap_config_variables
+  $wipe_db_on_cookie_change            = $rabbitmq::wipe_db_on_cookie_change
+  $config_variables                    = $rabbitmq::config_variables
+  $config_kernel_variables             = $rabbitmq::config_kernel_variables
+  $config_management_variables         = $rabbitmq::config_management_variables
+  $config_additional_variables         = $rabbitmq::config_additional_variables
+  $auth_backends                       = $rabbitmq::auth_backends
+  $cluster_partition_handling          = $rabbitmq::cluster_partition_handling
+  $file_limit                          = $rabbitmq::file_limit
+  $collect_statistics_interval         = $rabbitmq::collect_statistics_interval
+  $ipv6                                = $rabbitmq::ipv6
+  $inetrc_config                       = $rabbitmq::inetrc_config
+  $inetrc_config_path                  = $rabbitmq::inetrc_config_path
+  $ssl_erl_dist                        = $rabbitmq::ssl_erl_dist
+  if $ssl_only {
+    $default_ssl_env_variables = {}
+  } else {
+    $default_ssl_env_variables = {
+      'NODE_PORT'        => $port,
+      'NODE_IP_ADDRESS'  => $node_ip_address,
+    }
+  }
+  # This seems like a sensible default, and I think we have to assign it here
+  # to be safe. Use $node_ip_address (which can also be undef) if
+  # $management_ip_address is not set.
+  if $rabbitmq::management_ip_address {
+    $management_ip_address = $rabbitmq::management_ip_address
+  } else {
+    $management_ip_address = $rabbitmq::node_ip_address
+  }
+  $inetrc_env = {'export ERL_INETRC' => $inetrc_config_path}
+  # Handle env variables.
+  $_environment_variables = $default_ssl_env_variables + $inetrc_env + $rabbitmq::environment_variables
+  if $ipv6 or $ssl_erl_dist {
+    # must append "-proto_dist inet6_tcp" to any provided ERL_ARGS for
+    # both the server and rabbitmqctl, being careful not to mess up
+    # quoting. If both IPv6 and TLS are enabled, we must use "inet6_tls".
+    # Finally, if only TLS is enabled (no IPv6), the -proto_dist value to use
+    # is "inet_tls".
+    if $ipv6 and $ssl_erl_dist {
+      $proto_dist = 'inet6_tls'
+      $ssl_path = " -pa ${::erl_ssl_path} "
+    } elsif $ssl_erl_dist {
+      $proto_dist = 'inet_tls'
+      $ssl_path = " -pa ${::erl_ssl_path} "
+    } else {
+      $proto_dist = 'inet6_tcp'
+      $ssl_path = ''
+    }
+    $ipv6_or_tls_env = ['SERVER', 'CTL'].reduce({}) |$memo, $item| {
+      $orig = $_environment_variables["RABBITMQ_${item}_ERL_ARGS"]
+      $munged = $orig ? {
+        # already quoted, keep quoting
+        /^([\'\"])(.*)\1/ => "${1}${2}${ssl_path} -proto_dist ${proto_dist}${1}",
+        # unset, add our own quoted value
+        undef             => "\"${ssl_path}-proto_dist ${proto_dist}\"",
+        # previously unquoted value, add quoting
+        default           => "\"${orig}${ssl_path} -proto_dist ${proto_dist}\"",
+      }
+      merge($memo, {"RABBITMQ_${item}_ERL_ARGS" => $munged})
+    }
+    $environment_variables = $_environment_variables + $ipv6_or_tls_env
+  } else {
+    $environment_variables = $_environment_variables
+  }
+  file { '/etc/rabbitmq':
+    ensure => directory,
+    owner  => '0',
+    group  => '0',
+    mode   => '0755',
+  }
+  file { '/etc/rabbitmq/ssl':
+    ensure => directory,
+    owner  => '0',
+    group  => '0',
+    mode   => '0755',
+  }
+  file { 'rabbitmq.config':
+    ensure  => file,
+    path    => $config_path,
+    content => template($config),
+    owner   => '0',
+    group   => $rabbitmq_group,
+    mode    => '0640',
+    notify  => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+  }
+  file { 'rabbitmq-env.config':
+    ensure  => file,
+    path    => $env_config_path,
+    content => template($env_config),
+    owner   => '0',
+    group   => $rabbitmq_group,
+    mode    => '0640',
+    notify  => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+  }
+  file { 'rabbitmq-inetrc':
+    ensure  => file,
+    path    => $inetrc_config_path,
+    content => template($inetrc_config),
+    owner   => '0',
+    group   => $rabbitmq_group,
+    mode    => '0640',
+    notify  => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+  }
+  if $admin_enable {
+    file { 'rabbitmqadmin.conf':
+      ensure  => file,
+      path    => '/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmqadmin.conf',
+      content => template('rabbitmq/rabbitmqadmin.conf.erb'),
+      owner   => '0',
+      group   => $rabbitmq_group,
+      mode    => '0640',
+      require => File['/etc/rabbitmq'],
+    }
+  }
+  case $facts['os']['family'] {
+    'Debian': {
+      if versioncmp($facts['os']['release']['full'], '16.04') >= 0 {
+        file { '/etc/systemd/system/rabbitmq-server.service.d':
+          ensure                  => directory,
+          owner                   => '0',
+          group                   => '0',
+          mode                    => '0755',
+          selinux_ignore_defaults => true,
+        }
+        -> file { '/etc/systemd/system/rabbitmq-server.service.d/limits.conf':
+          content => template('rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server.service.d/limits.conf'),
+          owner   => '0',
+          group   => '0',
+          mode    => '0644',
+          notify  => Exec['rabbitmq-systemd-reload'],
+        }
+        exec { 'rabbitmq-systemd-reload':
+          command     => '/bin/systemctl daemon-reload',
+          notify      => Class['Rabbitmq::Service'],
+          refreshonly => true,
+        }
+      }
+      file { '/etc/default/rabbitmq-server':
+        ensure  => file,
+        content => template('rabbitmq/default.erb'),
+        mode    => '0644',
+        owner   => '0',
+        group   => '0',
+        notify  => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+      }
+    }
+    'RedHat': {
+      if versioncmp($facts['os']['release']['major'], '7') >= 0 {
+        file { '/etc/systemd/system/rabbitmq-server.service.d':
+          ensure                  => directory,
+          owner                   => '0',
+          group                   => '0',
+          mode                    => '0755',
+          selinux_ignore_defaults => true,
+        }
+        -> file { '/etc/systemd/system/rabbitmq-server.service.d/limits.conf':
+          content => template('rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server.service.d/limits.conf'),
+          owner   => '0',
+          group   => '0',
+          mode    => '0644',
+          notify  => Exec['rabbitmq-systemd-reload'],
+        }
+        exec { 'rabbitmq-systemd-reload':
+          command     => '/bin/systemctl daemon-reload',
+          notify      => Class['Rabbitmq::Service'],
+          refreshonly => true,
+        }
+      }
+      file { '/etc/security/limits.d/rabbitmq-server.conf':
+        content => template('rabbitmq/limits.conf'),
+        owner   => '0',
+        group   => '0',
+        mode    => '0644',
+        notify  => Class['Rabbitmq::Service'],
+      }
+    }
+    default: {
+    }
+  }
+  if $erlang_cookie == undef and $config_cluster {
+    fail('You must set the $erlang_cookie value in order to configure clustering.')
+  } elsif $erlang_cookie != undef {
+    rabbitmq_erlang_cookie { "${rabbitmq_home}/.erlang.cookie":
+      content        => $erlang_cookie,
+      force          => $wipe_db_on_cookie_change,
+      rabbitmq_user  => $rabbitmq_user,
+      rabbitmq_group => $rabbitmq_group,
+      rabbitmq_home  => $rabbitmq_home,
+      service_name   => $service_name,
+      before         => File['rabbitmq.config'],
+      notify         => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+    }
+  }
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Ainstall.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Ainstall.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d67ef161 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Ainstall.html @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq::install + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq::install

+ + +
Defined in:
+ manifests/install.pp +
+ +



Class rabbitmq::install +Ensures that rabbitmq-server exists

+ +
+ + +
+ + + + + +
# File 'manifests/install.pp', line 3
+class rabbitmq::install {
+  $package_ensure   = $rabbitmq::package_ensure
+  $package_name     = $rabbitmq::package_name
+  $rabbitmq_group   = $rabbitmq::rabbitmq_group
+  package { 'rabbitmq-server':
+    ensure => $package_ensure,
+    name   => $package_name,
+    notify => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+  }
+  if $rabbitmq::environment_variables['MNESIA_BASE'] {
+    file { $rabbitmq::environment_variables['MNESIA_BASE']:
+      ensure  => 'directory',
+      owner   => 'root',
+      group   => $rabbitmq_group,
+      mode    => '0775',
+      require => Package['rabbitmq-server'],
+    }
+  }
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Ainstall_3A_3Arabbitmqadmin.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Ainstall_3A_3Arabbitmqadmin.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..225cd2a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Ainstall_3A_3Arabbitmqadmin.html @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq::install::rabbitmqadmin + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq::install::rabbitmqadmin

+ + +
Defined in:
+ manifests/install/rabbitmqadmin.pp +
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + + + + +
# File 'manifests/install/rabbitmqadmin.pp', line 2
+class rabbitmq::install::rabbitmqadmin {
+  if $rabbitmq::rabbitmqadmin_package {
+    package{'rabbitmqadmin':
+      ensure => 'present',
+      name   => $rabbitmq::rabbitmqadmin_package,
+    }
+  } else {
+    require archive
+    $python_package = $rabbitmq::params::python_package
+    # Some systems (e.g., Ubuntu 16.04) don't ship Python 2 by default
+    if $rabbitmq::manage_python {
+      ensure_packages([$python_package])
+      $rabbitmqadmin_require = [Archive['rabbitmqadmin'], Package[$python_package]]
+    } else {
+      $rabbitmqadmin_require = Archive['rabbitmqadmin']
+    }
+    if($rabbitmq::ssl and $rabbitmq::management_ssl) {
+      $management_port = $rabbitmq::ssl_management_port
+      $protocol        = 'https'
+    } else {
+      $management_port = $rabbitmq::management_port
+      $protocol        = 'http'
+    }
+    $default_user = $rabbitmq::default_user
+    $default_pass = $rabbitmq::default_pass
+    $management_ip_address = $rabbitmq::management_ip_address
+    if !($management_ip_address) {
+      # Pull from localhost if we don't have an explicit bind address
+      $curl_prefix = ''
+      $sanitized_ip = ''
+    } elsif is_ipv6_address($management_ip_address) {
+      $curl_prefix  = "--noproxy ${management_ip_address} -g -6"
+      $sanitized_ip = join(enclose_ipv6(any2array($management_ip_address)), ',')
+    } else {
+      $curl_prefix  = "--noproxy ${management_ip_address}"
+      $sanitized_ip = $management_ip_address
+    }
+    archive { 'rabbitmqadmin':
+      path           => "${rabbitmq::rabbitmq_home}/rabbitmqadmin",
+      source         => "${protocol}://${sanitized_ip}:${management_port}/cli/rabbitmqadmin",
+      username       => $default_user,
+      password       => $default_pass,
+      allow_insecure => true,
+      cleanup        => false,
+      require        => [
+        Class['rabbitmq::service'],
+        Rabbitmq_plugin['rabbitmq_management']
+      ],
+    }
+    file { '/usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin':
+      owner   => 'root',
+      group   => '0',
+      source  => "${rabbitmq::rabbitmq_home}/rabbitmqadmin",
+      mode    => '0755',
+      require => $rabbitmqadmin_require,
+    }
+  }
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Amanagement.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Amanagement.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff92b84c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Amanagement.html @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq::management + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq::management

+ + +
Defined in:
+ manifests/management.pp +
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + + + + +
# File 'manifests/management.pp', line 2
+class rabbitmq::management {
+  $delete_guest_user = $rabbitmq::delete_guest_user
+  if $delete_guest_user {
+    rabbitmq_user{ 'guest':
+      ensure   => absent,
+      provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
+    }
+  }
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aparams.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aparams.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..19a73dde4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aparams.html @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq::params + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq::params

+ + +
Inherited by:
+ + rabbitmq
+ + rabbitmq::server
+ +
+ +
Defined in:
+ manifests/params.pp +
+ +


+ OS Specific parameters and other settings + +




+ +
+ + +
+ + + + + +
# File 'manifests/params.pp', line 5
+class rabbitmq::params {
+  case $facts['os']['family'] {
+    'Archlinux': {
+      $manage_python         = true
+      $python_package        = 'python2'
+      $package_ensure        = 'installed'
+      $package_name          = 'rabbitmq'
+      $service_name          = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_user         = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_group        = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_home         = '/var/lib/rabbitmq'
+      $package_gpg_key       = undef
+      $rabbitmqadmin_package = 'rabbitmqadmin'
+    }
+    'Debian': {
+      $manage_python         = true
+      $python_package        = 'python'
+      $package_ensure        = 'installed'
+      $package_name          = 'rabbitmq-server'
+      $service_name          = 'rabbitmq-server'
+      $rabbitmq_user         = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_group        = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_home         = '/var/lib/rabbitmq'
+      $package_gpg_key       = 'https://packagecloud.io/gpg.key'
+      $rabbitmqadmin_package = undef
+    }
+    'OpenBSD': {
+      $manage_python         = true
+      $python_package        = 'python2'
+      $package_ensure        = 'installed'
+      $package_name          = 'rabbitmq'
+      $service_name          = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_user         = '_rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_group        = '_rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_home         = '/var/rabbitmq'
+      $package_gpg_key       = undef
+      $rabbitmqadmin_package = undef
+    }
+    'FreeBSD': {
+      $manage_python         = true
+      $python_package        = 'python2'
+      $package_ensure        = 'installed'
+      $package_name          = 'rabbitmq'
+      $service_name          = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_user         = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_group        = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_home         = '/var/db/rabbitmq'
+      $package_gpg_key       = undef
+      $rabbitmqadmin_package = undef
+    }
+    'RedHat': {
+      $manage_python         = true
+      $python_package        = 'python'
+      $package_ensure        = 'installed'
+      $package_name          = 'rabbitmq-server'
+      $service_name          = 'rabbitmq-server'
+      $rabbitmq_user         = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_group        = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_home         = '/var/lib/rabbitmq'
+      $package_gpg_key       = 'https://www.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-release-signing-key.asc'
+      $rabbitmqadmin_package = undef
+    }
+    'SUSE': {
+      $manage_python         = true
+      $python_package        = 'python'
+      $package_ensure        = 'installed'
+      $package_name          = 'rabbitmq-server'
+      $service_name          = 'rabbitmq-server'
+      $rabbitmq_user         = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_group        = 'rabbitmq'
+      $rabbitmq_home         = '/var/lib/rabbitmq'
+      $package_gpg_key       = undef
+      $rabbitmqadmin_package = undef
+    }
+    default: {
+      fail("The ${module_name} module is not supported on an ${facts['os']['family']} based system.")
+    }
+  }
+  #install
+  $admin_enable                        = true
+  $management_port                     = 15672
+  $management_ssl                      = true
+  $repos_ensure                        = false
+  $service_ensure                      = 'running'
+  $service_manage                      = true
+  #config
+  $cluster_node_type                   = 'disc'
+  $cluster_nodes                       = []
+  $config                              = 'rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config.erb'
+  $config_cluster                      = false
+  $config_path                         = '/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config'
+  $config_ranch                        = true
+  $config_stomp                        = false
+  $config_shovel                       = false
+  $config_shovel_statics               = {}
+  $default_user                        = 'guest'
+  $default_pass                        = 'guest'
+  $delete_guest_user                   = false
+  $env_config                          = 'rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf.erb'
+  $env_config_path                     = '/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf'
+  $port                                = 5672
+  $tcp_keepalive                       = false
+  $tcp_backlog                         = 128
+  $ssl                                 = false
+  $ssl_ciphers                         = []
+  $ssl_erl_dist                        = false
+  $ssl_fail_if_no_peer_cert            = false
+  $ssl_honor_cipher_order              = true
+  $ssl_management_port                 = 15671
+  $ssl_only                            = false
+  $ssl_port                            = 5671
+  $ssl_reuse_sessions                  = true
+  $ssl_secure_renegotiate              = true
+  $ssl_stomp_port                      = 6164
+  $ssl_verify                          = 'verify_none'
+  $ssl_versions                        = undef
+  $ssl_management_verify               = 'verify_none'
+  $ssl_management_fail_if_no_peer_cert = false
+  $stomp_ensure                        = false
+  $stomp_port                          = 6163
+  $stomp_ssl_only                      = false
+  $ldap_auth                           = false
+  $ldap_server                         = 'ldap'
+  $ldap_user_dn_pattern                = undef
+  $ldap_other_bind                     = 'anon'
+  $ldap_use_ssl                        = false
+  $ldap_port                           = 389
+  $ldap_log                            = false
+  $ldap_config_variables               = {}
+  $wipe_db_on_cookie_change            = false
+  $cluster_partition_handling          = 'ignore'
+  $environment_variables               = {}
+  $config_variables                    = {}
+  $config_kernel_variables             = {}
+  $config_management_variables         = {}
+  $config_additional_variables         = {}
+  $file_limit                          = 16384
+  $ipv6                                = false
+  $inetrc_config                       = 'rabbitmq/inetrc.erb'
+  $inetrc_config_path                  = '/etc/rabbitmq/inetrc'
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Arepo_3A_3Aapt.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Arepo_3A_3Aapt.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7ff749be --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Arepo_3A_3Aapt.html @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq::repo::apt + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq::repo::apt

+ + +
Defined in:
+ manifests/repo/apt.pp +
+ +



requires + puppetlabs-apt + puppetlabs-stdlib

+ +


    + +
  • + + location + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: 'https://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server') + + +
  • + +
  • + + repos + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: 'main') + + +
  • + +
  • + + include_src + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: false) + + +
  • + +
  • + + key + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: '418A7F2FB0E1E6E7EABF6FE8C2E73424D59097AB') + + +
  • + +
  • + + key_source + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::package_gpg_key) + + +
  • + +
  • + + key_content + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::key_content) + + +
  • + +
  • + + architecture + + + (Optional[String]) + + + (defaults to: undef) + + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + + + +
# File 'manifests/repo/apt.pp', line 4
+class rabbitmq::repo::apt(
+  String $location               = 'https://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server',
+  String $repos                  = 'main',
+  Boolean $include_src           = false,
+  String $key                    = '418A7F2FB0E1E6E7EABF6FE8C2E73424D59097AB',
+  String $key_source             = $rabbitmq::package_gpg_key,
+  Optional[String] $key_content  = $rabbitmq::key_content,
+  Optional[String] $architecture = undef,
+  ) {
+  $pin = $rabbitmq::package_apt_pin
+  # ordering / ensure to get the last version of repository
+  Class['rabbitmq::repo::apt']
+  -> Class['apt::update']
+  -> Package<| title == 'rabbitmq-server' |>
+  $osname = downcase($facts['os']['name'])
+  apt::source { 'rabbitmq':
+    ensure       => present,
+    location     => "${location}/${osname}",
+    repos        => $repos,
+    include      => { 'src' => $include_src },
+    key          => {
+      'id'      => $key,
+      'source'  => $key_source,
+      'content' =>  $key_content,
+    },
+    architecture => $architecture,
+  }
+  if $pin {
+    apt::pin { 'rabbitmq':
+      packages => '*',
+      priority => $pin,
+      origin   => 'packagecloud.io',
+    }
+  }
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Arepo_3A_3Arhel.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Arepo_3A_3Arhel.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eddd1424f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Arepo_3A_3Arhel.html @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq::repo::rhel + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq::repo::rhel

+ + +
Defined in:
+ manifests/repo/rhel.pp +
+ +



Class: rabbitmq::repo::rhel +Makes sure that the Packagecloud repo is installed

+ +


    + +
  • + + location + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: "https://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/el/${facts['os'][release][major]}/\$basearch") + + +
  • + +
  • + + key_source + + + (String) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::package_gpg_key) + + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + + + +
# File 'manifests/repo/rhel.pp', line 3
+class rabbitmq::repo::rhel(
+    $location          = "https://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/el/${facts['os'][release][major]}/\$basearch",
+    String $key_source = $rabbitmq::package_gpg_key,
+  ) {
+  Class['rabbitmq::repo::rhel'] -> Package<| title == 'rabbitmq-server' |>
+  yumrepo { 'rabbitmq':
+    ensure   => present,
+    name     => 'rabbitmq_rabbitmq-server',
+    baseurl  => $location,
+    gpgkey   => $key_source,
+    enabled  => 1,
+    gpgcheck => 1,
+  }
+  # This may still be needed to prevent warnings
+  # packagecloud key is gpg-pubkey-d59097ab-52d46e88
+  exec { "rpm --import ${key_source}":
+    path   => ['/bin','/usr/bin','/sbin','/usr/sbin'],
+    unless => 'rpm -q gpg-pubkey-6026dfca-573adfde 2>/dev/null',
+  }
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aserver.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aserver.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fc11c685 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aserver.html @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq::server + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq::server

+ +
+ + +
Defined in:
+ manifests/server.pp +
+ +



Class: rabbitmq::server

+ +

This module manages the installation and config of the rabbitmq server + it has only been tested on certain version of debian-ish systems +Parameters: + [port] - port where rabbitmq server is hosted + [delete_guest_user] - rather or not to delete the default user + [version] - deprecated -- does nothing + [package_name] - name of rabbitmq package + [service_name] - name of rabbitmq service + [service_ensure] - desired ensure state for service + [stomp_port] - port stomp should be listening on + [node_ip_address] - ip address for rabbitmq to bind to + [config] - contents of config file + [env_config] - contents of env-config file + [config_cluster] - whether to configure a RabbitMQ cluster + [cluster_nodes] - which nodes to cluster with (including the current one) + [cluster_node_type] - Type of cluster node (disc/disk or ram) + [erlang_cookie] - erlang cookie, must be the same for all nodes in a cluster + [wipe_db_on_cookie_change] - whether to wipe the RabbitMQ data if the specified + erlang_cookie differs from the current one. This is a sad parameter: actually, + if the cookie indeed differs, then wiping the database is the only thing you + can do. You're only required to set this parameter to true as a sign that you + realise this. +Requires: + stdlib +Sample Usage:

+ +

This module is used as backward compability layer for modules +which require rabbitmq::server instead of rabbitmq class. +It's still common uasge in many modules.

+ +

[Remember: No empty lines between comments and class definition]

+ +


    + +
  • + + port + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::port) + + +
  • + +
  • + + delete_guest_user + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::delete_guest_user) + + +
  • + +
  • + + package_name + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::package_name) + + +
  • + +
  • + + service_name + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::service_name) + + +
  • + +
  • + + service_ensure + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::service_ensure) + + +
  • + +
  • + + service_manage + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::service_manage) + + +
  • + +
  • + + config_stomp + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_stomp) + + +
  • + +
  • + + stomp_port + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::stomp_port) + + +
  • + +
  • + + config_cluster + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config_cluster) + + +
  • + +
  • + + cluster_nodes + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::cluster_nodes) + + +
  • + +
  • + + cluster_node_type + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::cluster_node_type) + + +
  • + +
  • + + node_ip_address + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::node_ip_address) + + +
  • + +
  • + + config + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::config) + + +
  • + +
  • + + env_config + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::env_config) + + +
  • + +
  • + + erlang_cookie + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::erlang_cookie) + + +
  • + +
  • + + wipe_db_on_cookie_change + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::params::wipe_db_on_cookie_change) + + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + + + +
# File 'manifests/server.pp', line 35
+class rabbitmq::server(
+  $port                     = $rabbitmq::params::port,
+  $delete_guest_user        = $rabbitmq::params::delete_guest_user,
+  $package_name             = $rabbitmq::params::package_name,
+  $service_name             = $rabbitmq::params::service_name,
+  $service_ensure           = $rabbitmq::params::service_ensure,
+  $service_manage           = $rabbitmq::params::service_manage,
+  $config_stomp             = $rabbitmq::params::config_stomp,
+  $stomp_port               = $rabbitmq::params::stomp_port,
+  $config_cluster           = $rabbitmq::params::config_cluster,
+  $cluster_nodes            = $rabbitmq::params::cluster_nodes,
+  $cluster_node_type        = $rabbitmq::params::cluster_node_type,
+  $node_ip_address          = $rabbitmq::params::node_ip_address,
+  $config                   = $rabbitmq::params::config,
+  $env_config               = $rabbitmq::params::env_config,
+  $erlang_cookie            = $rabbitmq::params::erlang_cookie,
+  $wipe_db_on_cookie_change = $rabbitmq::params::wipe_db_on_cookie_change,
+) inherits rabbitmq::params {
+  class { 'rabbitmq':
+    port                     => $port,
+    delete_guest_user        => $delete_guest_user,
+    package_name             => $package_name,
+    service_name             => $service_name,
+    service_ensure           => $service_ensure,
+    service_manage           => $service_manage,
+    config_stomp             => $config_stomp,
+    stomp_port               => $stomp_port,
+    config_cluster           => $config_cluster,
+    cluster_nodes            => $cluster_nodes,
+    cluster_node_type        => $cluster_node_type,
+    node_ip_address          => $node_ip_address,
+    config                   => $config,
+    env_config               => $env_config,
+    erlang_cookie            => $erlang_cookie,
+    wipe_db_on_cookie_change => $wipe_db_on_cookie_change,
+  }
+  contain rabbitmq
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aservice.html b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aservice.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4895d420a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_classes/rabbitmq_3A_3Aservice.html @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ + + + + + + + Puppet Class: rabbitmq::service + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Puppet Class: rabbitmq::service

+ +
+ + +
Defined in:
+ manifests/service.pp +
+ +



Class: rabbitmq::service

+ +

This class manages the rabbitmq server service itself.

+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +

Sample Usage:

+ +


    + +
  • + + service_ensure + + + (Enum['running', 'stopped']) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::service_ensure) + + +
  • + +
  • + + service_manage + + + (Boolean) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::service_manage) + + +
  • + +
  • + + service_name + + + (Any) + + + (defaults to: $rabbitmq::service_name) + + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + + + +
# File 'manifests/service.pp', line 13
+class rabbitmq::service(
+  Enum['running', 'stopped'] $service_ensure  = $rabbitmq::service_ensure,
+  Boolean $service_manage                     = $rabbitmq::service_manage,
+  $service_name                               = $rabbitmq::service_name,
+) inherits rabbitmq {
+  if ($service_manage) {
+    if $service_ensure == 'running' {
+      $ensure_real = 'running'
+      $enable_real = true
+    } else {
+      $ensure_real = 'stopped'
+      $enable_real = false
+    }
+    service { 'rabbitmq-server':
+      ensure     => $ensure_real,
+      enable     => $enable_real,
+      hasstatus  => true,
+      hasrestart => true,
+      name       => $service_name,
+    }
+  }
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_provider_list.html b/docs/puppet_provider_list.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae760cdc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_provider_list.html @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Provider List + + + +
+ + +
    + + +
  • +
    + rabbitmqadmin + Resource type: rabbitmq_queue +
  • + + +
  • +
    + rabbitmqadmin + Resource type: rabbitmq_binding +
  • + + +
  • +
    + rabbitmqadmin + Resource type: rabbitmq_exchange +
  • + + +
  • +
    + rabbitmqctl + Resource type: rabbitmq_user +
  • + + +
  • +
    + rabbitmqctl + Resource type: rabbitmq_vhost +
  • + + +
  • +
    + rabbitmqctl + Resource type: rabbitmq_policy +
  • + + +
  • +
    + rabbitmqctl + Resource type: rabbitmq_parameter +
  • + + +
  • +
    + rabbitmqctl + Resource type: rabbitmq_user_permissions +
  • + + +
  • +
    + rabbitmqplugins + Resource type: rabbitmq_plugin +
  • + + +
  • +
    + ruby + Resource type: rabbitmq_erlang_cookie +
  • + + + +
+ + diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_binding/rabbitmqadmin.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_binding/rabbitmqadmin.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8521d2f96 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_binding/rabbitmqadmin.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: rabbitmqadmin + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: rabbitmqadmin

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_binding/rabbitmqadmin.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + +

Default Provider For

    + + + +
  • feature — posix
  • + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_erlang_cookie/ruby.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_erlang_cookie/ruby.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31a92a9e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_erlang_cookie/ruby.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: ruby + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: ruby

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_erlang_cookie/ruby.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + +

Default Provider For

    + + + +
  • feature — posix
  • + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_exchange/rabbitmqadmin.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_exchange/rabbitmqadmin.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b9aa33d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_exchange/rabbitmqadmin.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: rabbitmqadmin + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: rabbitmqadmin

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_exchange/rabbitmqadmin.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + +

Default Provider For

    + + + +
  • feature — posix
  • + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_parameter/rabbitmqctl.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_parameter/rabbitmqctl.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8cac2e94 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_parameter/rabbitmqctl.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: rabbitmqctl + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: rabbitmqctl

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_parameter/rabbitmqctl.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + +

Default Provider For

    + + + +
  • feature — posix
  • + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_plugin/rabbitmqplugins.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_plugin/rabbitmqplugins.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f6c68e8e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_plugin/rabbitmqplugins.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: rabbitmqplugins + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: rabbitmqplugins

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_plugin/rabbitmqplugins.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + +

Default Provider For

    + + + +
  • feature — posix
  • + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_policy/rabbitmqctl.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_policy/rabbitmqctl.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0b9c9241d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_policy/rabbitmqctl.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: rabbitmqctl + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: rabbitmqctl

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_policy/rabbitmqctl.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + +

Default Provider For

    + + + +
  • feature — posix
  • + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_queue/rabbitmqadmin.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_queue/rabbitmqadmin.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f563d8b99 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_queue/rabbitmqadmin.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: rabbitmqadmin + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: rabbitmqadmin

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_queue/rabbitmqadmin.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + +

Default Provider For

    + + + +
  • feature — posix
  • + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_user/rabbitmqctl.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_user/rabbitmqctl.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b2c22555 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_user/rabbitmqctl.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: rabbitmqctl + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: rabbitmqctl

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_user/rabbitmqctl.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + +

Default Provider For

    + + + +
  • feature — posix
  • + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_user_permissions/rabbitmqctl.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_user_permissions/rabbitmqctl.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4826445f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_user_permissions/rabbitmqctl.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: rabbitmqctl + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: rabbitmqctl

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_user_permissions/rabbitmqctl.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + +

Default Provider For

    + + + +
  • feature — posix
  • + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_vhost/rabbitmqctl.html b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_vhost/rabbitmqctl.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a9fb9fee --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_providers_rabbitmq_vhost/rabbitmqctl.html @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ + + + + + + + Provider: rabbitmqctl + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Provider: rabbitmqctl

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/provider/rabbitmq_vhost/rabbitmqctl.rb +
Resource type:
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_type_list.html b/docs/puppet_type_list.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a82f9cb8b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_type_list.html @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Resource Type List + + + +
+ + + +
+ + diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_binding.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_binding.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6596978e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_binding.html @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_binding + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_binding

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_binding.rb +
+ +
+ + rabbitmqadmin
+ +
+ +
+ +



Native type for managing rabbitmq bindings

+ +

rabbitmq_binding { 'binding 1': + ensure => present, + source => 'myexchange', + destination => 'myqueue', + vhost => 'myvhost', + user => 'dan', + password => 'bar', + destination_type => 'queue', + routing_key => 'key1', + arguments => {}, +}

+ +

rabbitmq_binding { 'binding 2': + ensure => present, + source => 'myexchange', + destination => 'myqueue', + vhost => 'myvhost', + user => 'dan', + password => 'bar', + destination_type => 'queue', + routing_key => 'key2', + arguments => {}, +}

+ +
+ +


+ + +

Create a rabbitmq_binding


+ +
rabbitmq_binding { 'myexchange@myqueue@myvhost':
+  user             => 'dan',
+  password         => 'bar',
+  destination_type => 'queue',
+  routing_key      => '#',
+  arguments        => {},
+  ensure           => present,
+ + +

Create bindings with same source / destination / vhost but different routing key using individual parameters


+ +
+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + arguments + + +

    binding arguments

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + destination (namevar) + + +

    destination of binding

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + destination_type + + (defaults to: queue) + + +

    binding destination_type

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{queue|exchange} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + ensure + + (defaults to: present) + + +

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + present +
    • + +
    • + + absent +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + routing_key (namevar) + + +

    binding routing_key

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S*$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + source (namevar) + + +

    source of binding

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + vhost (namevar) + + (defaults to: /) + + +


    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + name (namevar) + + +

    resource name, either source@destination@vhost or arbitrary name with params

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + password + + (defaults to: guest) + + +

    The password to use to connect to rabbitmq

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{\S+} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + user + + (defaults to: guest) + + +

    The user to use to connect to rabbitmq

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_erlang_cookie.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_erlang_cookie.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bf3ef5f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_erlang_cookie.html @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_erlang_cookie + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_erlang_cookie

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_erlang_cookie.rb +
+ +
+ + ruby
+ +
+ +
+ +



Type to manage the rabbitmq erlang cookie securely

+ +

This is essentially a private type used by the rabbitmq::config class +to manage the erlang cookie. It replaces the rabbitmq_erlang_cookie fact +from earlier versions of this module. It manages the content of the cookie +usually located at "$rabbitmq_home/.erlang.cookie", which includes +stopping the rabbitmq service and wiping out the database at +"$rabbitmq_home/mnesia" if the user agrees to it. We don't recommend using +this type directly.

+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + content + + +

    Content of cookie

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + force + + (defaults to: false) + + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + true +
    • + +
    • + + false +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + path + + + +
  • + +
  • + rabbitmq_group + + (defaults to: rabbitmq) + + + +
  • + +
  • + rabbitmq_home + + (defaults to: /var/lib/rabbitmq) + + + +
  • + +
  • + rabbitmq_user + + (defaults to: rabbitmq) + + + +
  • + +
  • + service_name + + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_exchange.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_exchange.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e5526c83 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_exchange.html @@ -0,0 +1,378 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_exchange + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_exchange

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_exchange.rb +
+ +
+ + rabbitmqadmin
+ +
+ +
+ +



Native type for managing rabbitmq exchanges

+ +
+ +


+ + +

Create a rabbitmq_exchange


+ +
rabbitmq_exchange { 'myexchange@myvhost':
+  user        => 'dan',
+  password    => 'bar',
+  type        => 'topic',
+  ensure      => present,
+  internal    => false,
+  auto_delete => false,
+  durable     => true,
+  arguments   => {
+    hash-header => 'message-distribution-hash'
+  }
+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + ensure + + (defaults to: present) + + +

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + present +
    • + +
    • + + absent +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + arguments + + +

    Exchange arguments example: "message-distribution-hash"

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + auto_delete + + (defaults to: false) + + +

    Exchange auto delete option to be set on creation

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + durable + + (defaults to: false) + + +

    Exchange durability to be set on creation

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + internal + + (defaults to: false) + + +

    Exchange internal option to be set on creation

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + name (namevar) + + +

    Name of exchange

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S*@\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + password + + (defaults to: guest) + + +

    The password to use to connect to rabbitmq

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{\S+} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + type + + +

    Exchange type to be set on creation

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + user + + (defaults to: guest) + + +

    The user to use to connect to rabbitmq

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_parameter.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_parameter.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97434ced2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_parameter.html @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_parameter + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_parameter

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_parameter.rb +
+ +
+ + rabbitmqctl
+ +
+ +
+ +



Type for managing rabbitmq parameters

+ +
+ +


+ + +

Create some rabbitmq_parameter resources


+ +
rabbitmq_parameter { 'documentumShovel@/':
+  component_name => '',
+  value          => {
+      'src-uri'    => 'amqp://',
+      'src-queue'  => 'my-queue',
+      'dest-uri'   => 'amqp://remote-server',
+      'dest-queue' => 'another-queue',
+  },
+rabbitmq_parameter { 'documentumFed@/':
+  component_name => 'federation-upstream',
+  value          => {
+      'uri'     => 'amqp://myserver',
+      'expires' => '360000',
+  },
+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + component_name + + +

    The component_name to use when setting parameter, eg: shovel or federation

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + ensure + + (defaults to: present) + + +

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + present +
    • + +
    • + + absent +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + value + + +

    A hash of values to use with the component name you are setting

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + name (namevar) + + +

    combination of name@vhost to set parameter for

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+@\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_plugin.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_plugin.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..659440789 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_plugin.html @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_plugin + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_plugin

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_plugin.rb +
+ +
+ + rabbitmqplugins
+ +
+ +
+ +



manages rabbitmq plugins

+ +
+ +


+ + +

query all currently enabled plugins


+ +
$ puppet resource rabbitmq_plugin
+ + +

Ensure a rabbitmq_plugin resource


+ +
rabbitmq_plugin {'rabbitmq_stomp':
+  ensure => present,
+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + ensure + + (defaults to: present) + + +

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + present +
    • + +
    • + + absent +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + name (namevar) + + +

    The name of the plugin to enable

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + umask + + (defaults to: 0022) + + +

    Sets the octal umask to be used while creating this resource

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_policy.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_policy.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..db335d4b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_policy.html @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_policy + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_policy

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_policy.rb +
+ +
+ + rabbitmqctl
+ +
+ +
+ +



Type for managing rabbitmq policies

+ +
+ +


+ + +

Create a rabbitmq_policy


+ +
rabbitmq_policy { 'ha-all@myvhost':
+  pattern    => '.*',
+  priority   => 0,
+  applyto    => 'all',
+  definition => {
+    'ha-mode'      => 'all',
+    'ha-sync-mode' => 'automatic',
+  },
+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + applyto + + (defaults to: all) + + +

    policy apply to

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + all +
    • + +
    • + + exchanges +
    • + +
    • + + queues +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + definition + + +

    policy definition

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + ensure + + (defaults to: present) + + +

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + present +
    • + +
    • + + absent +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + pattern + + +

    policy pattern

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + priority + + (defaults to: 0) + + +

    policy priority

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\d+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + name (namevar) + + +

    combination of policy@vhost to create policy for

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+@\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_queue.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_queue.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..63a12b8a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_queue.html @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_queue + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_queue

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_queue.rb +
+ +
+ + rabbitmqadmin
+ +
+ +
+ +



Native type for managing rabbitmq queue

+ +
+ +


+ + +

Create a rabbitmq_queue


+ +
rabbitmq_queue { 'myqueue@myvhost':
+  ensure      => present,
+  user        => 'dan',
+  password    => 'bar',
+  durable     => true,
+  auto_delete => false,
+  arguments   => {
+    x-message-ttl          => 123,
+    x-dead-letter-exchange => 'other'
+  },
+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + ensure + + (defaults to: present) + + +

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + present +
    • + +
    • + + absent +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + arguments + + +

    Queue arguments example: => 60, x-expires => 10

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + auto_delete + + (defaults to: false) + + +

    Queue will be auto deleted

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{true|false} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + durable + + (defaults to: true) + + +

    Queue is durable

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{true|false} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + name (namevar) + + +

    Name of queue

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S*@\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + password + + (defaults to: guest) + + +

    The password to use to connect to rabbitmq

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{\S+} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + user + + (defaults to: guest) + + +

    The user to use to connect to rabbitmq

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_user.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_user.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe14028d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_user.html @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_user + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_user

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_user.rb +
+ +
+ + rabbitmqctl
+ +
+ +
+ +



Native type for managing rabbitmq users

+ +
+ +


+ + +

query all current users


+ +
$ puppet resource rabbitmq_user
+ + +

Configure a user, dan


+ +
rabbitmq_user { 'dan':
+  admin    => true,
+  password => 'bar',
+ + +

Optional parameter tags will set further rabbitmq tags like monitoring, policymaker, etc.


+ +
To set the administrator tag use admin-flag.
+rabbitmq_user { 'dan':
+  admin    => true,
+  password => 'bar',
+  tags     => ['monitoring', 'tag1'],
+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + admin + + (defaults to: false) + + +

    whether or not user should be an admin

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{true|false} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + ensure + + (defaults to: present) + + +

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + present +
    • + +
    • + + absent +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + password + + +

    User password to be set on creation and validated each run

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + tags + + (defaults to: []) + + +

    additional tags for the user

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + name (namevar) + + +

    Name of user

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_user_permissions.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_user_permissions.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae793d530 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_user_permissions.html @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_user_permissions + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_user_permissions

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_user_permissions.rb +
+ +
+ + rabbitmqctl
+ +
+ +
+ +



Type for managing rabbitmq user permissions

+ +
+ +


+ + +

Define some rabbitmq_user_permissions


+ +
rabbitmq_user_permissions { 'dan@myvhost':
+  configure_permission => '.*',
+  read_permission      => '.*',
+  write_permission     => '.*',
+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + configure_permission + + +

    regexp representing configuration permissions

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + ensure + + (defaults to: present) + + +

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + present +
    • + +
    • + + absent +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
  • + read_permission + + +

    regexp representing read permissions

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
  • + write_permission + + +

    regexp representing write permissions

    + +
    + + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + name (namevar) + + +

    combination of user@vhost to grant privileges to

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+@\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_vhost.html b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_vhost.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..600ebc4ec --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/puppet_types/rabbitmq_vhost.html @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ + + + + + + + Resource Type: rabbitmq_vhost + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +

Resource Type: rabbitmq_vhost

Defined in:
+ lib/puppet/type/rabbitmq_vhost.rb +
+ +
+ + rabbitmqctl
+ +
+ +
+ +



Native type for managing rabbitmq vhosts

+ +
+ +


+ + +

query all current vhosts


+ +
$ puppet resource rabbitmq_vhost`
+ + +

Create a rabbitmq_vhost


+ +
rabbitmq_vhost { 'myvhost':
+  ensure => present,
+ +
+ + +


    + +
  • + ensure + + (defaults to: present) + + +

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + present +
    • + +
    • + + absent +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +


    + +
  • + name (namevar) + + +

    The name of the vhost to add

    + +
    + + +
    + Supported values: +
      + +
    • + + %r{^\S+$} +
    • + +
    + +
  • + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/top-level-namespace.html b/docs/top-level-namespace.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2c2f8a05 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/top-level-namespace.html @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ + + + + + + + Top Level Namespace + + — Documentation by YARD 0.9.10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Top Level Namespace + + + +

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