Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | Unique identifier of the campaign assignment. | [optional] |
areaId | string | Unique identifier of the area to which the campaign is assigned. | [optional] |
allStores | bool | Determines if the campaign is assigned to all of the stores in the area, i.e. if an area ID is passed in the `access_settings.assign.area_all_stores_ids` in the request. | [optional] |
areaStoreId | string | Unique identifier of the store to which the campaign is assigned. | [optional] |
createdAt | \DateTime | Date and time when the assignment was made. The value is shown in the ISO 8601 format. | [optional] |
object | string | The type of the object represented by JSON. This object stores information about the campaign assignment to areas or stores. | [optional] [default to 'area_store_campaign_assignment'] |