Starred repositories
AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
为GPT/GLM等LLM大语言模型提供实用化交互接口,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm3等本地模型。接入通义千问, deepseekcoder, 讯飞星火, 文心一言, llama2, rwkv, claude2, m…
🧑🏫 60+ Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes 📝; including transformers (original, xl, switch, feedback, vit, ...), optimizers (adam, adabelief, sophia, ...), ga…
Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: First AI Software Company, Towards Natural Language Programming
Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech!
GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration.
Official Code for DragGAN (SIGGRAPH 2023)
🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
🥧 HTTPie CLI — modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. JSON support, colors, sessions, downloads, plugins & more.
Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration.
OCR software, free and offline. 开源、免费的离线OCR软件。支持截屏/批量导入图片,PDF文档识别,排除水印/页眉页脚,扫描/生成二维码。内置多国语言库。
Real-time face swap for PC streaming or video calls
Distributed Task Queue (development branch)
Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular writing scripts including Latin, Chinese, Arabic, Devanagari, Cyrillic and etc.
😘 让你“爱”上 GitHub,解决访问时图裂、加载慢的问题。(无需安装)
🍰 Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
JARVIS, a system to connect LLMs with ML community. Paper:
Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused.
A minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training
Run macOS on QEMU/KVM. With OpenCore + Monterey + Ventura + Sonoma support now! Only commercial (paid) support is available now to avoid spammy issues. No Mac system is required.