gosshpuppet is a limited SSH server base on github.com/gliderlabs/ssh.
It acts as a jump host, interconnecting SSH clients: admins and puppets (controlled hosts).
Main goal here is to access a remote puppet in a secure way even if it's behind a NAT or has a dynamic IP and/or if a VPN is not an option.
- Only public key authentication is allowed;
- No access to shell/exec on the proxy side for both admins and puppets;
- A puppet can only request a reverse tunnels (-R) to the predefined ports;
- An admin can only connect to the predefined ports on the puppets;
puppet->>+proxy: ssh -N puppet@proxy -R 22:localhost:22
proxy-->>-proxy: Allocate random local port N
You->>proxy: ssh you@puppet -J you@proxy
activate proxy
proxy-->>proxy: Find puppet's port N
proxy->>+puppet: Forward to puppet's port 22
deactivate proxy
activate puppet
puppet-->>proxy: Great
deactivate puppet
activate proxy
proxy-->>You: Success
deactivate proxy
Generate a key pair for the server:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ./host
Write access.yaml
with the following structure:
# Your user name
# Public keys for both proxy and puppet side
- ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBwDW1pJvt0ID4s8cMFv5gCbGs7fO8Mc3smf3hd8umwG admin@localhost
# Puppets names and public keys
- regexp: ^puppet1$
- ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPzp5Lm/8IQ3gK/Owl84Gh/XUGOtE+vStFXB6rCmaFdK puppet1@localhost
# Allowed puppet ports to forward
22: ssh
./gosshpuppet --private ./host
Connect as puppet1
(should be lowercased for a name matching), requesting a reverse tunnel on service port 22
to the puppet's own port 1222
ssh -N puppet1@gosshpuppet -p 2222 -R 22:localhost:1222
Connect to the puppet1
service port 22
as foobar
, jumping through the proxy at gosshpuppet:2222
as admin
> ssh foobar@puppet1 -J admin@gosshpuppet:2222
# or copy a file
> scp -J admin@gosshpuppet:2222 foobar@puppet1:/path/to/file ./file
List puppets connected to the proxy:
> ssh admin@gosshpuppet -p 2222 ls
puppet1 ssh=22