- Update client to kubernetes 1.7
- Support ThirdPartyResources (TPR) and CustomResourceDefinitions (CRD). Note that TPR is deprecated in kubernetes #251 #201
- Better dependency management #136
- Add support for python3.6 #244
- Bugfix: support RFC6902 'json-patch' operations #187
- No changes. The same as
- Bugfix: support RFC6902 'json-patch' operations #187
- Bugfix: urllib3 1.21 fails tests, Excluding version 1.21 from dependencies #197
- Add support for attach API calls #180
- Bugfix: token file should not be decoded #182
- Inline primitive models (e.g. v1.Time and resource.Quantity) #179
- Bugfix: urllib3 1.21 fails tests, Excluding version 1.21 from dependencies #197
- Update to kubernetes 1.6 spec #169
- Bugfix: blocking exec call should remove channel metadata #140
- Add close method to websocket api of interactive exec #145
- Bugfix: Missing websocket-client dependency #131
- Support exec calls in both interactive and non-interactive mode #58
- Support insecure-skip-tls-verify config flag #99
- Added example for using yaml files as models #63
- Added end to end tests #41, #94
- Bugfix: Fix ValueError in list_namespaced_config_map #104
- Bugfix: Export missing models #101
- Bugfix: Patch operations #93
- Bugfix: Missing fields in some models #85, kubernetes/kubernetes#39465
- Bugfix: Fixed broken config loader #77
- Add context switch to kube config loader #46
- Add default kube config location #64
- Add suport for accessing multiple clusters #7
- Bugfix: Python client does not resolve relative paths in kubeconfig #68
- Bugfix:
get None response #57 - Improved test coverage #54
- Improved client generator #49
- auto-generated client from K8s OpenAPI spec
- kube-config support
- in-cluster config support: Run scripts inside kubernetes cluster
- watch support
Skipped because of a failed initial release.