An implementation of a checkbox as a form-connected web-component.
Used anywhere an author might otherwise use an input[type="checkbox"]
- form association
- focus delegation
We want general feature-parity between this component and an input[type="checkbox"]
. Most of these concerns are addressed by microsoft#2723, but some stateful nuance will need to be handled by this component.
- FAST Checkbox (React)
- Material UI
- Lightning Design
- Carbon Design
- Ant Design
- Atlassian
- Office Fabric
- Windows (UWP)
Extends form associated custom element.
Component Name
IDL attributes
defaultChecked: boolean
- If the checkbox is checked by default. Synchronized with the
content attribute
- If the checkbox is checked by default. Synchronized with the
checked: boolean
- The current checked state of the checkbox
indeterminate: boolean
- The indeterminate state. Independent of checked
Content attributes
- The checkbox should be submitted with the form but should not be editable.
- Defaults to "on" to match
- Defaults to "on" to match
- The initial checked value.
change: CustomEvent
- no custom data
- bubbles
<!-- shadow root -->
<label part="label"><slot></slot></label>
<div part="checkbox">
<div part="checked-indicator"></div>
<div part="indeterminate-indicator"></div>
<!-- end shadow root -->
Slot Names
- default: label for the checkbox
Host Classes
- checked
- disabled
- required
- readonly
Slotted Content/Slotted Classes CSS Parts
- checkbox
- label
- checked-indicator
- indeterminate-indicator
checked: true
or false
The checked state can be toggled by:
- Clicking the checkbox (or any of it's labels)
- Pressing the space-bar while focus is placed on the checkbox
- Adding / removing the "checked" content attribute
- This will only trigger a change if the "checked" property has not been changed, either through user action or programmatically
disabled: true
or false
When disabled, the value will not be changeable through user interaction. It should also not expose it's value to a form submission.
readonly: true
or false
When readonly, the value will not be changeable through user interaction. The value will still be exposed to forms on submission.
The root element inside the shadow-dom of the checkbox will be a focusable element with the following accessability content attributes:
- role: checkbox
- aria-checked: the checked state of the component
- aria-required: the required state of the component
- aria-disabled: the disabled state of the component
- tabindex: 0
Because we're delegating focus to this element, the relevant information will be presented to AT users when they focus this element.
Adding mechanisms, slots, and data for surfacing validation error messages.