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Workload cluster operations

Assuming the management cluster is already setup for use by the tenant user 'User1', the User1 will use his/her kubeconfig of the management cluster user1-management-kubeconfig.conf to create and operate all his/her workload clusters in his/her namespace

Create a workload cluster

  1. User1 can now access the management cluster via kubeconfig specifically generated for him/her
    1. kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --kubeconfig=user1-management-kubeconfig.conf get machines
  2. User1 generates the cluster configuration capi.yaml. Refer to clusterctl generate cmd on how to generate the file.
  3. User1 creates the workload cluster
    1. kubectl --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --kubeconfig=user1-management-kubeconfig.conf apply -f capi.yaml. The output is similar to the below
      • created created created created created created created
    2. Waits for control plane to be initialized kubectl --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --kubeconfig=user1-management-kubeconfig.conf describe cluster user1-cluster
  4. User1 retrieves the Admin Kubeconfig of the workload cluster
    1. CLUSTERNAME="user1-cluster"
    2. kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} --kubeconfig=user1-management-kubeconfig.conf get secret ${CLUSTERNAME}-kubeconfig -o json | jq ".data.value" | tr -d '"' | base64 -d > ${CLUSTERNAME}-workload-kubeconfig.conf
  5. User1 accesses his/her workload cluster
    1. kubectl --kubeconfig=${CLUSTERNAME}-workload-kubeconfig.conf get pods -A -owide

Resize a workload cluster

In the CAPI yaml, update the below properties and run kubectl --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --kubeconfig=user1-management-kubeconfig.conf apply -f capi.yaml on the management cluster.

  1. To resize the control plane nodes of the workload cluster, update the property KubeadmControlPlane.spec.replicas of desired KubeadmControlPlane objects. The value must be an odd number.
  2. To resize the worker nodes, update the property MachineDeployment.spec.replicas of desired MachineDeployment objects to the desired worker count.

Upgrade a workload cluster

In order to upgrade a workload cluster,

  • Cloud Provider must upload the new Kubernetes version of Ubuntu 20.04 TKG OVA into VCD using VCD UI.
  • The upgrade of a Kubernetes cluster can only be done to the next incremental version, say from K8s 1.20 to K8s 1.21.

In the CAPI yaml, update the below properties and run kubectl --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --kubeconfig=user1-management-kubeconfig.conf apply -f capi.yaml on the management cluster (or) use one of the existing clusterctl template flavors with pre-populated Kubernetes and the associated etcd and coredns versions.

  1. Upgrade Control plane version
    1. Update VCDMachineTemplate object(s) with the new version of TKG template details
      • Update VCDMachineTemplate.spec.template.spec.template and other properties under VCDMachineTemplate.spec.template.spec if needed.
    2. Update KubeadmControlPlane object(s) with the newer versions of Kubernetes components.
      • Update KubeadmControlPlane.spec.version, KubeadmControlPlane.spec.kubeadmConfigSpec.dns, KubeadmControlPlane.spec.kubeadmConfigSpec.etcd, KubeadmControlPlane.spec.kubeadmConfigSpec.imageRepository.
  2. Upgrade Worker node version
    1. Update VCDMachineTemplate objects with the new version of TKG template details.
      • Update VCDMachineTemplate.spec.template.spec.template and other properties under VCDMachineTemplate.spec.template.spec if needed.
    2. Update MachineDeployment objects with the newer kubernetes version in the property MachineDeployment.spec.version.

All the versions must come from new Kubernetes version of the TKG OVA specified in VCDMachineTemplate object(s). See the script to get Kubernetes, etcd, coredns versions from TKG OVA.

Delete workload cluster

To delete the cluster, run this command on the management cluster

  • kubectl --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --kubeconfig=user-management-kubeconfig.conf delete cluster ${CLUSTERNAME}

It is not recommended using this command

  • kubectl --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --kubeconfig=user-management-kubeconfig.conf delete -f capi-quickstart.yaml

Script to get Kubernetes, etcd, coredns versions from TKG OVA

Ensure docker and yq are pre-installed on your local machine.

# Extract etcd and coredns info for capi.yaml
# Change the RAW version to match something similar from your TKG template
export K8S_VERSION_RAW=v1.20.8+vmware.1-tkg.1
export K8S_VERSION=$(echo ${K8S_VERSION_RAW} | tr -s "+" "_")
# We need to loop through the last value after `tkg.` because of some TKR unexpected design
last=$(echo ${K8S_VERSION//*.})  # get last value after `tkg.`
until docker pull${K8S_VERSION}
  export K8S_VERSION=$(echo ${K8S_VERSION} | sed "s/.$/"$last"/")
  if [ $last -gt 10 ]; then
  last=$(echo ${K8S_VERSION//*.})  # get last value after `tkg.`

if $no_tkg_found; then
	echo "'no valid tkg.X version found"
	exit 1

export K8S_VERSION_RAW=$(echo ${K8S_VERSION_RAW} | sed "s/.$/"$last"/")
docker save${K8S_VERSION} | tar Oxf - --strip-components 1 */layer.tar | tar xf -
ETCD_VERSION=$(yq e ".components.etcd[0].version" tkr-bom-${K8S_VERSION_RAW}.yaml | tr -s "+" "_")
ETCD_IMAGE_PATH="$(yq e ".components.etcd[0].images.etcd.imagePath" tkr-bom-${K8S_VERSION_RAW}.yaml)"
ETCD_IMAGE_TAG=$(yq e ".components.etcd[0].images.etcd.tag" tkr-bom-${K8S_VERSION_RAW}.yaml)
COREDNS_VERSION=$(yq e ".components.coredns[0].version" tkr-bom-${K8S_VERSION_RAW}.yaml | tr -s "+" "_")
COREDNS_IMAGE_PATH="$(yq e ".components.coredns[0].images.coredns.imagePath" tkr-bom-${K8S_VERSION_RAW}.yaml)"
COREDNS_IMAGE_TAG=$(yq e ".components.coredns[0].images.coredns.tag" tkr-bom-${K8S_VERSION_RAW}.yaml)