⚠️ Following Acceletaror is deprecated and will no longer be officially maintained by VMware for TAP 1.7 and up. Users should not use this accelerator anymore. If you want to use a function java accelerator we recommend using the Spring Cloud Serverless accelerator and add the Spring Cloud Function Dependency to the project.
This repo contains a simple Java Function that can be deployed as a TAP workload.
This function utilizes the buildpacks provided by VMware's open-source Function Buildpacks for Knative project.
To begin editing your function, refer to the tree diagram below of the file to modify:
└── src/main/java/functions
└── Handler.java // EDIT THIS FILE
└── models/
Inside this file, you will find a example main class, scaffolding, and a function that is invoked by default.
If using TAP workloads, and if you change the name of the default package or class, you will need to update workload.yaml
to use the correct Java package:
value: functions.Handler # UPDATE TO YOUR PACKAGE NAME
For more information about how the environment variable works, please see the Java buildpack documentation.
To see samples of code deployable as a Function (FaaS) experience, visit the samples folder.
Please see DEPLOYING.md on how to build, deploy, and test your newly built function.