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212 lines (148 loc) · 5.31 KB

File metadata and controls

212 lines (148 loc) · 5.31 KB


Lightweight central store of state with the ability to watch for and react to specific property changes

Think "toy" as in small. This thing is ready to rock at just a hair over 2kb minified and gzipped.


npm install toystore --save


Create a new store instance with the initial store values:

const toystore = require('toystore');

let store = toystore.create({
  foo: 'bar',
  user: {
    email: '',
    id: 1,

module.exports = store;

Get store values anywhere in your app, even nested keys:

const store = require('./mystore');

function renderUserEmail() {
  return store.get('');

Watch for changes on specific keys and react to them:

const store = require('./mystore');[''], updateUserEmail);

Control the order watchers fire using priority weightings. The default priority is 0. Negative numbers can be used to push watchers to the end.

const store = require('./mystore');['user'], secondTask);['user'], firstTask, { priority: 10 });['user'], thirdTask, { priority: -1 });

Watchers can also be executed asynchronously after a short timeout instead of invoked immediately:

const store = require('./mystore');

// Executed async with setTimeout instead of immediately called['user'], updateUserInfo, { async: true });

// Executed async after provided milliseconds['user'], updateUserInfoInOtherPlace, { async: 500 });

Update store values from anywhere in your app:

const store = require('./mystore');

function fetchUser() {
  return fetch('/myapi/users/1')
    .then(json => {
      store.set('user', {

Usage With React

If you use React and want to bind your React components to automatically re-render on store key changes, use the toystore-react package.


After you create a store instance using toystore.create(), the resulting store object has the following methods:


Get a single store value from the provided path. This can use periods for nesting, i.e.

store.get(''); //

getAll(paths = null)

Returns an object with key/value pairs of all the keys requested. The provided paths argument must be an array.

If you do not provide any arguments, the entire store object will be returned.

store.getAll(['is_cool', 'is_quality']); // { is_cool: true, is_quality: true }

set(path, value)

Set a single store value to the provided path. This can use periods for nesting, i.e.

store.set('', '');

setSilent(path, value)

Same as set, but will not notify watchers that the key has been updated.

store.setSilent('', '');


Takes an object with key/value pairs of all the keys and values to be set. Will only notify watchers of updates once - after all keys have been set.

store.setAll({ is_cool: true, is_quality: true });


Reset the whole store to the provided object. Commonly used for testing and/or resetting the store to the default state.

NOTE: This will trigger all watchers because all keys will change, so if you also want to remove all the watchers before using reset(), call unwatchAll().

store.reset({ is_cool: true, is_quality: true, user: false });

watch(paths, callback, options = {})

Watch provided paths for changes, and execute callback when those values change.

This method is very useful to seamlessly react to data changes in the store without having to create events or other mechanisms to update views or content mannually after updating store values.

The callback function will receive an object with key/value pairs of the new store values after the triggered change.['user'], updateUserInfo);['mode'], changeMode);['router.url'], (newValues) => navigateToPage(newValues.router.url));

// With priorities (higher gets executed first)['cart'], updateShoppingCart, { priority: 1 });['cart'], updateShoppingCartCount, { priority: 10 });


Similar to watch, but provided callback will execute whenever any key in the whole store is changed. Will only be fired once when setAll is used with multiple keys.

store.watchAll(renderApp); // Will execute when *any* key changes

watchOnce(paths, callback, options = {})

Similar to watch, but provided callback will only execute a single time, and then will unwatch itself automatically. Useful when chaining watchers, or when the watcher is created inside another function that is not always applied.

store.watchOnce(['visit'], showUserPopupAd); // Will only execute ONCE


Unregisters only the provided callback that has been added with watcher.

store.unwatch(updateUserInfo); // Remove updateUserInfo only


Removes all registered watchers.

store.unwatchAll(); // Removes ALL watchers