Chacha20 (and XChacha20) stream cipher encryption algorithm in pure V. Its mostly based on RFC 8439 and inspired by Go version of the same library.
module main
import encoding.hex
import x.crypto.chacha20
fn main() {
// example of random key
// you should make sure the key (and nonce) are random enough.
// The security guarantees of the ChaCha20 require that the same nonce
// value is never used twice with the same key.
key := hex.decode('bf32a829ebf86d23f6a32a74ef0333401e54a6b2900d35bfadef82c5d49da15f')!
nonce := hex.decode('a7d7cf3405631f25cc1054bd')!
input := 'Good of gambler'.bytes()
// encrypt and the decrypt back
output := chacha20.encrypt(key, nonce, input)!
input_back := chacha20.decrypt(key, nonce, output)!
// should true
assert input == input_back