Bookwise is a website to share your rating about a book that you read. Besides, you can search for books based on their category, see your profile statistics, last ratings, popular books, and other features.
In this project, I learned and practiced a lot of NextJS features, like SSR and SSG. Furthermore, other technologies and libraries were used, like NextAuth for authentication using OAuth 2.0, Prisma ORM, MySQL Database, React Query, Axios, ZOD, React Hook Form and others.
- Features
- Requirements to run the project
- Running the application
- Main Technologies
- Final Result
- Deploy
- License
- Author
- Contributing Guidelines
Bookwise allows you to expose your opinion about a certain book, sharing it with other people who register on the platform. Besides, the books are organized based on each category you choose. Also, you sign in on the website by using OAuth 2.0 provided by Google or by Github.
The Home page shows the latest book reviews sent by users registered on the platform, as well as the most popular books.
The Explore page shows all books based on each category available in the database. By clicking on a certain book, its detailed information appears. Additionally, you can write down a rating for the book selected and send it.
The profile page shows key information about your data such as your latest reviews and data analysis such as most read category, total number of pages read, etc.
Before you run the project, check if you have [Node.js]( installed on your machine, as well [Git]( to clone this repository.
# Clone this repository on your machine:
$ git clone
# Access the project folder in your terminal:
$ cd bookwise
# Install all dependencies:
$ npm install
# Run the application:
$ npm run dev
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- TypeScript
- Axios
- Stitches
- Radix UI
- Phosphor React
- NextAuth
- React Hook Form
- React Query
- Prisma ORM
Check out the project working:
Contributions are welcome! Whether you want to fix a bug, add a new feature, or improve documentation, your contributions are valuable.
Click the "Fork" button at the top right of this repository to create a copy in your GitHub account.
Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
Create a new branch for your contribution:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
Make your desired changes to the codebase. Ensure that your code is working well without problems or bugs.
Before submitting a pull request, test your changes thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.
Commit your changes and push them to your forked repository:
git add .
git commit -m "Add your descriptive commit message here"
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
This project is licensed under MIT License.
Vitor Linsbinski 🚀
Developed by Vitor Linsbinski