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Azure CLI Shorthand Syntax (Preview)

Azure cli shorthand syntax can help cli users to pass complicated argument values. Only the arguments of AAZ(Atomic Azure CLI) commands generated by aaz-dev tool support shorthand syntax.

The command lines written in shorthand syntax can run in both Powershell and Bash terminals without any change in must situations.

1. Shorthand syntax formats

1.1. Full Value format

1.2. Partial Value format

1.3. Combine with Full Value and Partial Value

1.4. use ?? to show help

1.5. Pass a null Value

2. Single Quotes String

2.1. Pass a string value with space and other special characters

2.2. Pass a "null" string value

2.3. Use '/ to Pass '

Shorthand syntax formats

Full Value format

Shorthand syntax in Full Value format is json without double quotes. For example if you want to pass following object in --contact argument:


  "name": "Bill",
  "age": 20,
  "paid": true,
  "emails": [
  "address": {
    "country": "USA",
    "company": "Microsoft",
    "details": {
      "line1": "15590 NE 31st St",
      "line2": "Redmond, WA"

Shorthand in both Powershell and Bash:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,age:20,paid:true,emails:[,],address:{country:USA,company:Microsoft,details:{line1:'15590 NE 31st St',line2:'Redmond, WA'}}}"

In the example above you can see the shorthand syntax wrapped in double quotes to make sure the value passed as string in both powershell and bash. Please don't use single quotes to wrap the shorthand syntax, because single quotes are used for Single Quotes String introduced later.

Partial Value format

Shorthand syntax for partial value is composed of two parts joined by =: the index key and the value. It's format is {key}={value}

The value can be simple string, full value format, json or even json file path.

For the above example, if we want to pass some part properties of --contact:

Use Partial Value for name properties:

az some-command --contact name=Bill

Use Partial Value for both age and paid properties

az some-command --contact age=20 paid=true

Use Partial Value for second element of emails

az some-command --contact emails[1]=""

Use Partial Value for details property of address.

az some-command --contact address.details="{line1:'15590 NE 31st St',line2:'Redmond, WA'}"

It's also possible to pass json file as value.

Use json file for value:

az some-command --contact address.details=./address_detials.json

Combine with Full Value and Partial Value

You can combine with Full Value and Partial Value in one argument. For example if you want to pass following object in --contact argument:


  "name": "Bill",
  "motto": "One man's bug is another man's lesson.",
  "age": 20,
  "paid": true,
  "emails": [

The motto property has character, so in Full Value format, it should be a Single Quotes String. However in Single Quotes String, the ' should be replaced by '/. So in Full Value, it should be passed like 'One man'/s bug is another man'/s lesson.'.

Use Full Value:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,motto:'One man'/s bug is another man'/s lesson.',age:20,paid:true,emails:[,]}"

However in Partial Value format, the motto can be parsed as string, and it doesn't need to be a Single Quotes String.

Use Partial Value:

az some-command --contact motto="One man's bug is another man's lesson."

Shorthand syntax arguments support to patch Full Value by adding Partial Value after it.

Use Full Value and Partial Value:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,age:20,paid:true,emails:[,]}" motto="One man's bug is another man's lesson."

You can also patch a new element of list property in Full Value. For example you can set the second email address by Partial Value:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,age:20,paid:true,emails:[]}" emails[1]="" motto="One man's bug is another man's lesson."

There's no limitation to put them after one --contact flag or put them after two --contact flags.

Use Full Value and Partial Value in two --contact flags:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,age:20,paid:true,emails:[]}" \
--contact emails[1]="" \
--contact motto="One man's bug is another man's lesson."

The order of them is important!!! If you reverse the order, the final data will only be the Full Value without properties defined in Partial Value.

use ?? to show help

?? is a special keyword to show argument or its sub property help message. It can be use in any place of shorthand syntax.

use ?? to show argument's help message

Show help message of --contact argument:

az some-command --contact ??

use ?? in Full Value format

Show help message of --contant argument when writing Full Value:

az some-command --contact "{??"
az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,??"

Show help message of --contant.address property when writing Full Value:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,address:??"

Show help message of property when writing Full Value:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,address:{country:??"

Show help message of --contant.emails property when writing Full Value:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,address:{country:USA},emails:??"

Show help message of the element of --contant.emails property when writing Full Value:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,address:{country:USA},emails:[??"

use ?? in Partial Value format

Show help message of --contant.address property when writing Partial Value:

az some-command --contact address=??

Show help message of --contant.emails property when writing Partial Value:

az some-command --contact emails=??

Show help message of the element of --contant.emails property when writing Partial Value:

az some-command --contact emails[0]=??

Pass a null Value

Shorthand syntax support null keyword in both Full Value and Partial Value formats.

For example if you want to pass following object with null value address property in --contact argument:


  "name": "Bill",
  "age": 20,
  "paid": true,
  "emails": [
  "address": null

pass null in Full Value:

az some-command --contact "{name:Bill,age:20,paid:true,emails:[,],address:null}"

pass null in Partial Value:

az some-command --contact name=Bill address=null

null value in update commands

In update commands null value is usually used to unset properties of a object or remove elements of an array or a dict. For example if there already exists an resource with following contact property


  "contact": {
    "name": "Bill",
    "age": 20,
    "paid": true,
    "emails": [
    "address": {
      "country": "USA",
      "company": "Microsoft",
      "details": {
        "line1": "15590 NE 31st St",
        "line2": "Redmond, WA"

  "other_properties": {}

By using null value in update command, address property of resource's contact can be unset:

az some-update-command --contact address=null

By using null value in update command, the first element of resource's emails can be removed:

az some-update-command --emails [0]=null

Single Quotes String

Single Quotes String is used to pass a string value with special characters: :, ,, {, }, [, ], null, ?? and space. Because those characters usually have other meanings when parsing shorthand syntax. So with single quotes, it tells parser to parse as a string only.

Pass a string value with space and other special characters

For example if you want to pass following object in --contact argument:


  "name": "Bill RP",
  "age": 20,
  "paid": true,
  "data": "{a: [1, 2]}"

Pass in Full Value format:

az some-command --contact "{name:'Bill RP',age:20,paid:true,data:'{a: [1, 2]}'}"

Pass Partial Value format:

az some-command --contact name="'Bill RP'" data="'{a: [1, 2]}'"

It's also possible to remove single quotes for name, because it will not distinguish with Full Value expression, null value or ?? flag. Pass Partial Value format:

az some-command --contact name="Bill RP"

Pass a "null" string value

Sometime it's required to pass a "null" string value. In order to distinguish with null value, it needs to be a Single Quotes String. For example if you want to pass "null" string into name property in --contact argument:


  "name": "null",
  "age": 20,
  "paid": true

Pass Full Value format:

az some-command --contact "{name:'null',age:20,paid:true}"

Pass Partial Value format:

az some-command --contact name="'null'"

Use '/ to Pass '

The character ' needs special escape in Single Quotes String in order to distinguish with end of Single Quotes String. You can use '/ to pass ' in Single Quotes String. It should be reminded that / is a escape character only after ' in Single Quotes String. If / is not in Single Quotes String or / is not after ', / is a normal character.

For example if you want to pass "bill's" string into name property in --contact argument:


  "name": "null",
  "age": 20,
  "paid": true

Pass Full Value format:

az some-command --contact "{name:'bill'/s',age:20,paid:true}"

Pass Partial Value format:

az some-command --contact name="'bill'/s'"

If value is not in Single Quotes String, you don't need to add escape character after '.

Pass Partial Value format:

az some-command --contact name="bill's"