You may use any hardware you already have. Most components of the vehicleCAPTAIN toolbox can be fit independent of hardware.
If you are interested in acquiring a development platform from us, please contact our hardware expert Peter Sammer.
Our projects use the following hardware configurations.
The Development Kit v3 hosts a single mPCI-E/M.2 module. This module is intended to be a V2X module, with V2N communication done via the Ethernet port of the computing module.
The QuadModule development kit hosts up to four mPCI-E/M.2 modules simultaneously.
The demo board allows to host one mPCI-E or one M.2 module
Unex provides system-on-modules (SOMs) for V2X communication.
- one software library for sending and receiving
- one software library for decoding and encoding of msgs
- cheap compared to fully implemented competitors
- access to most parts of the software stack
- limited amount of BTP ports