The KrishnJS is a dom-manipulation library it helps the developer to develop interactive web pages without writing a huge line of code.
To Load the KrishnJS library from the URL,
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npm install krishnjs
#1. To Show an element in DOM, The function should be attach on the onclick listner in the DOM.
container_visibility('show', ['class_name'], [true]);
To Hide an element in DOM
container_visibility('hide', ['class_name'], [true]);
#2. To change the style of element by onclick listner follow then write below code.
change_style(['element_class'], [true], ['backgroundColor'], ['#000']);
#3. To send Post request to the backend server associated with the Django CSRF Token and post the JSON DATA
send_request(false, "POST", "url", true, {
"parameter": "value"
}, false, function (response) {
In above the example the parameter are csrf_token, request_type, url_string, async_boolean, json_data, send_data_boolean, function(reverse_callback)
#4. Dynamically fetch and attach the javascript and css in DOM!
fetch_resources(src, callback, type, ref);
In above the example the listed parameter are src(URL of JS or CSS), callback(return function with the parameter status called s), type (string js or css) and ref(name of the fetch resources)
See the source code for detailed instruction! #5 Send file via KrishnJS by using the function send_file()
send_file(form_data, csrf_boolean, request_type, url_string, async_boolean, send_data_boolean, callback)
In above the example the listed parameter are form_date(which append the file), csrf_boolean(true or false), request_type(should_be_post), async_boolean(true), send_data_boolean(true) and last function callback with r(response) parameter. Project Maintainer: Vijay Tiwari