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This repository contains the source texts comprising the Saint Petersburg Corpus of Hagiographic Texts (SCAT) — an electronic corpus of Old Russian hagiographic literature developed at Saint Petersburg State University.

The Russian hagiographic texts of the 15–17 centuries exhibit an exceptional richness of the language. It is during this period that their abundant phraseology solidified into standard idioms, which wordsmiths would artfully adapt to the genre canon. In many different ways, the language of hagiography influenced the development of literary Russian at that time. The corpus aims to represent that language as faithfully as possible.


ID Title Century Tokens Bibliographical source
AKush Житие Александра Куштского 17th 5K БАН, Арханг., Д. 235
AKush-EvSzh Житие Александра Куштского и Евфимия Сянжемского 18th 2.5K ИРЛИ, древлехранилище им. В. И. Малышева, оп. 23, 322
AndTtm Житие Андрея Тотемского 18th 2K РНБ, Колобова 189
AntSij Житие Антония Сийского 16th 33K РНБ, Q. I. 22
ArsKml Житие Арсения Комельского 18th 5.5K РНБ, Пог. 647
ASvir Житие Александра Свирского 16th 21K РНБ, Пог. 874
CrlNvz Житие Кирилла Новоезерского 17th 15K РНБ, Кир.-Бел. 66/1305
DGlush Житие Дионисия Глушицкого 16th 11K РНБ, Соф. 438
DmPrlc Житие Димитрия Прилуцкого 16th 6K РНБ, Соф. 1361
GrPelsh Житие Григория Пельшемского 16th 7K РНБ, Пог. 853
GrsVlg Житие Герасима Вологодского 18th 4K РНБ, Пог. 647
IgnLm Житие Игнатия Ломского 18th 6K РНБ, Колобова 643
IgnVlg Житие Игнатия Вологодского 18th 2K РНБ, Пог. 647
InnKml Житие Иннокентия Комельского 18th 1K РНБ, Пог. 647
IoaKam Житие Иоасафа Каменского 17th 10K РНБ, Солов. 227/227
KrnKml Житие Корнилия Комельского 17th 13K РНБ, Пог. 787
KsUgl Житие Кассиана Угличского 17th 2K РНБ, Пог. 1563
PObn Житие Павла Обнорского (житие) 16th 9K РНБ, Пог. 659
PObn-m Житие Павла Обнорского (чудеса) 16th 8K РНБ, Соф. 1470
SrgNurm Житие Сергия Нуромского 16th 14K РНБ, Соф. 1470
StKml Житие Стефана Комельского 17th 3.5K РНБ, ОЛДП, Q. 198
ThdTtm Житие Феодосия Тотемского 18th 5K ВОКМ, 2011
VsTix Житие Вассиана Тиксненского (житие и чудеса 1–8) 18th 3K РНБ, Колобова 189
VsTix-m Житие Вассиана Тиксненского (чудеса 9–29) 18th 3K ГАВО, ф. 883, оп. 1, д. 233


Directory Description Format # of texts
raw Raw texts as they were initially transcribed Plain text, in Windows 866 encoding 24
annotation/structural Texts enriched with annotation of structural units, such as chapters and quotations Plain text with XML injections 6
annotation/morphological Texts with morphological annotation (in a custom format with Cyrillic tags) TSV 7
annotation/combined Texts with both morphological and structural annotation TSV with XML injections 6

On our releases page, you can find .zip archives with all texts converted to TEI XML, as well as binary .txm files which can be imported into TXM.


This corpus is licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0.