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Uniffle Shuffle Server Guide
Uniffle Shuffle Server Guide
Uniffle Shuffle Server Guide
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Uniffle Shuffle Server Guide


This document will introduce how to deploy Uniffle shuffle servers.


  1. unzip package to RSS_HOME
  2. update RSS_HOME/bin/, eg,
      HADOOP_HOME=<hadoop home>
  3. update RSS_HOME/conf/server.conf, eg,
      rss.rpc.server.port 19999
      rss.jetty.http.port 19998
      rss.rpc.executor.size 2000
      # it should be configed the same as in coordinator MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS
      rss.coordinator.quorum <coordinatorIp1>:19999,<coordinatorIp2>:19999
      # local storage path for shuffle server /data1/rssdata,/data2/rssdata....
      # it's better to config thread num according to local disk num
      rss.server.flush.thread.alive 5
      rss.server.flush.localfile.threadPool.size 10
      rss.server.flush.hadoop.threadPool.size 60
      rss.server.buffer.capacity 40g 20g
      rss.server.heartbeat.interval 10000
      rss.rpc.message.max.size 1073741824
      rss.server.preAllocation.expired 120000
      rss.server.commit.timeout 600000 120000
      # note: the default value of is 64m
      # there will be no data written to DFS if set it as 100g even
      # please set proper value if DFS is used, eg, 64m, 128m. 100g
  4. start Shuffle Server
     bash RSS_HOME/bin/


Property Name Default Description
rss.coordinator.quorum - Coordinator quorum
rss.rpc.server.port - RPC port for Shuffle server, if set zero, grpc server start on random port.
rss.jetty.http.port - Http port for Shuffle server
rss.server.netty.port -1 Netty port for Shuffle server, if set zero, netty server start on random port.
rss.server.netty.epoll.enable false If enable epoll model with netty server.
rss.server.netty.accept.thread 10 Accept thread count in netty.
rss.server.netty.worker.thread 100 Worker thread count in netty.
rss.server.netty.connect.backlog 0 For netty server, requested maximum length of the queue of incoming connections.
rss.server.netty.connect.timeout 5000 Timeout for connection in netty.
rss.server.netty.receive.buf 0 Receive buffer size (SO_RCVBUF). Note: the optimal size for receive buffer and send buffer should be latency * network_bandwidth. Assuming latency = 1ms, network_bandwidth = 10Gbps, buffer size should be ~ 1.25MB. Default is 0, the operating system automatically estimates the receive buffer size based on default settings.
rss.server.netty.send.buf 0 Send buffer size (SO_SNDBUF).
rss.server.buffer.capacity -1 Max memory of buffer manager for shuffle server. If negative, JVM heap size * buffer.ratio is used
rss.server.buffer.capacity.ratio 0.8 when rss.server.buffer.capacity=-1, then the buffer capacity is JVM heap size * ratio
rss.server.memory.shuffle.highWaterMark.percentage 75.0 Threshold of spill data to storage, percentage of rss.server.buffer.capacity
rss.server.memory.shuffle.lowWaterMark.percentage 25.0 Threshold of keep data in memory, percentage of rss.server.buffer.capacity -1 Max size of buffer for reading data. If negative, JVM heap size * read.buffer.ratio is used 0.4 when, then read buffer capacity is JVM heap size * ratio
rss.server.heartbeat.interval 10000 Heartbeat interval to Coordinator (ms)
rss.server.flush.localfile.threadPool.size 10 Thread pool for flush data to local file
rss.server.flush.hadoop.threadPool.size 60 Thread pool for flush data to hadoop storage
rss.server.commit.timeout 600000 Timeout when commit shuffle data (ms) - Supports MEMORY_LOCALFILE, MEMORY_HDFS, MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS 64M The threshold of data size for LOACALFILE and HADOOP if MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS is used
rss.server.tags - The comma-separated list of tags to indicate the shuffle server's attributes. It will be used as the assignment basis for the coordinator
rss.server.single.buffer.flush.enabled true Whether single buffer flush when size exceeded rss.server.single.buffer.flush.threshold
rss.server.single.buffer.flush.threshold 128M The threshold of single shuffle buffer flush
rss.server.disk.capacity -1 Disk capacity that shuffle server can use. If negative, it will use disk whole space * ratio
rss.server.disk.capacity.ratio 0.9 When rss.server.disk.capacity is negative, disk whole space * ratio is used
rss.server.multistorage.fallback.strategy.class - The fallback strategy for MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS. Support, and If not set, will be used.
rss.server.leak.shuffledata.check.interval 3600000 The interval of leak shuffle data check (ms)
rss.server.max.concurrency.of.per-partition.write 30 The max concurrency of single partition writer, the data partition file number is equal to this value. Default value is 1. This config could improve the writing speed, especially for huge partition.
rss.server.max.concurrency.limit.of.per-partition.write - The limit for max concurrency per-partition write specified by client, this won't be enabled by default.
rss.metrics.reporter.class - The class of metrics reporter.
rss.server.multistorage.manager.selector.class The manager selector strategy for MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS. Default value is DefaultStorageManagerSelector, and another HugePartitionSensitiveStorageManagerSelector will flush only huge partition's data to cold storage.

Advanced Configurations

Property Name Default Description
rss.server.storageMediaProvider.from.env.key - Sometimes, the local storage type/media info is provided by external system. RSS would read the env key defined by this configuration and get info about the storage media of its basePaths
rss.server.decommission.check.interval 60000 The interval(ms) to check if all applications have finish when server is decommissioning
rss.server.decommission.shutdown true Whether shutdown the server after server is decommissioned

Huge Partition Optimization

A huge partition is a common problem for Spark/MR and so on, caused by data skew. And it can cause the shuffle server to become unstable. To solve this, we introduce some mechanisms to limit the writing of huge partitions to avoid affecting regular partitions, more details can be found in ISSUE-378. The basic rules for limiting large partitions are memory usage limits and flushing individual buffers directly to persistent storage.

Memory usage limit

To do this, we introduce the extra configs

Property Name Default Description
rss.server.huge-partition.size.threshold 20g Threshold of huge partition size, once exceeding threshold, memory usage limitation and huge partition buffer flushing will be triggered. This value depends on the capacity of per disk in shuffle server. For example, per disk capacity is 1TB, and the max size of huge partition in per disk is 5. So the total size of huge partition in local disk is 100g (10%),this is an acceptable config value. Once reaching this threshold, it will be better to flush data to HADOOP FS directly, which could be handled by multiple storage manager fallback strategy
rss.server.huge-partition.memory.limit.ratio 0.2 The memory usage limit ratio for huge partition, it will only triggered when partition's size exceeds the threshold of 'rss.server.huge-partition.size.threshold'. If the buffer capacity is 10g, this means the default memory usage for huge partition is 2g. Samely, this config value depends on max size of huge partitions on per shuffle server.

Data flush

Once the huge partition threshold is reached, the partition is marked as a huge partition. And then single buffer flush is triggered (writing to persistent storage as soon as possible). By default, single buffer flush is only enabled by configuring rss.server.single.buffer.flush.enabled, but it's automatically valid for huge partition.

If you don't use HADOOP FS, the huge partition may be flushed to local disk, which is dangerous if the partition size is larger than the free disk space. Therefore, it is recommended to use a mixed storage type, including HDFS or other distributed file systems.

For HADOOP FS, the conf value of rss.server.single.buffer.flush.threshold should be greater than the value of, which will flush data directly to Hadoop FS.

Finally, to improve the speed of writing to HDFS for a single partition, the value of rss.server.max.concurrency.of.per-partition.write and rss.server.flush.hdfs.threadPool.size could be increased to 50 or 100.


In version 0.0.8, we introduced Netty. Enabling netty on ShuffleServer can significantly reduce GC time in high-throughput scenarios. We can enable netty through the parameter rss.server.netty.port. Note: After enabling netty, the ShuffleServer The node will be automatically tagged with grpc_netty, that is, the node can only be assigned to clients of spark.rss.client.type=GRPC_NETTY.

When enabling Netty, we should also consider memory related configuration, the following is an example.



rss.server.buffer.capacity 40g 20g

Example of server conf

rss.rpc.server.port 19999
rss.jetty.http.port 19998
rss.rpc.executor.size 2000 MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS
rss.coordinator.quorum <coordinatorIp1>:19999,<coordinatorIp2>:19999 /data1/rssdata,/data2/rssdata....
rss.server.flush.thread.alive 10
rss.server.buffer.capacity 40g 20g
rss.server.heartbeat.interval 10000
rss.rpc.message.max.size 1073741824
rss.server.preAllocation.expired 120000
rss.server.commit.timeout 600000 120000

# For huge partitions
rss.server.flush.localfile.threadPool.size 20
rss.server.flush.hadoop.threadPool.size 60 128m
rss.server.single.buffer.flush.threshold 129m
rss.server.max.concurrency.of.per-partition.write 30
rss.server.huge-partition.size.threshold 20g
rss.server.huge-partition.memory.limit.ratio 0.2