This is a sample project by using mediation Mopub include Ad-Network Vungle.
This project may help to reproduce issues and narrow down the root cause.
This project is not include the app id and placement ids. Go to the file Constant.m and input your placement ids:
NSString* const adUnitId = @"";
NSString* const interstitialPlacement = @"";
NSString* const rewardPlacement = @"";
NSString* const bannerPlacement = @"";
NSString* const mrecPlacement = @"";
Run the commmand below with your terminal
pod install --repo-update
You should good to go now!
- Check out a new branch
- Comment Podfile frameworks as below
# comment below lines
# pod 'mopub-ios-sdk', '5.10.0'
# pod "VungleSDK-iOS", '6.5.0'
- Run pod install to remove the frameworks from the project
- Integrate frameworks manually
Mopub + Vungle + Adapter: 5.10.0 + 6.5.0 +