Inspired from EyeWitness here I have used selenium and nodeJS for screen capturing the URLs. can be used for various things but main objective was to find the possible Subdomain Takeovers through this.
basically it screenshots the given list of subdomains and saves it in a new folder.
=> You will have to 1st install the chromedriver according to your chrome version.
(Reference Video :
=> The script is written in nodeJS so make sure , nodeJS is installed
=> git clone
=> cd Automated-Screen-Capture
=> npm install
=> node check.js
(If the above Command opens the selenium website, Huraaayy! Everythings working. If NOT Something went wrong :( !)
=> node ASC.js URL_list.txt
The above command will start taking screen shots, you can sit back and watch your favourite series!
I will try to implement this using the WORKER POOL of JS to make it faster. I am not familiar enough with that concept to use in this project.