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AWS Modern DevOps Immersion Day - Victoria




brew bundle
npm install
npx cdk --version

export AWS_PROFILE=aws-day

cd app-cdk
make cdk-list
make cdk-diff
make cdk-synth
make cdk-destroy

CDK Workshop 2024

We will be using practices such as:

  • Developing web applications using Docker containers.
  • Setting up a source control service to manage source code changes.
  • Continuous Integration to automate building and testing.
  • Continuous Deployment to automatically deploy to our test environment.
  • Continuous Delivery to approve deployments to our production environment.
  • Infrastructure as Code to define all the steps we take in code.

Technology stack

We will be writing our application and infrastructure code in either TypeScript or Python using the following AWS CI/CD pipeline components and services:

  • Docker, Flask Python application
  • AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and Subnets
  • AWS EC2, Application Load Balancer (ALB)
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS CodeCommit
  • AWS CodeBuild
  • AWS CodePipeline
  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
  • Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Fargate


  • CodeWhisperer // Amazon Q
  • CodeCatalyst