Final Assignment for COMP 206 - Intro to Software Systems (McGill, W'16)
Website will have :
- Welcome/landing Pages
- Login/new user profile page
- Dashboard
- View a friend's profile page
- Make a friend page
- Common Style/theme among all the Pages
- Choose color/Style
- Templates/authoring tools = badly
- Only HTML, CGI, C, Bash and Python. CSS/JavaScript allowed.
- Must display the website name in big letters
- At the bottom write :
created by + Team name.
- Paragraph describing and promoting website to new users
- Simple menu directing people to either login/create account
- Directed towards a particular industry
Python + HTML + CGI
Displays a list of checkboxes with all the users (i.e every user on users.txt) except for the current user
Once the "Add friends" button is clicked, display a message according to the number of new friends (if any) and allows the user to go back to the Dashboard
The new friends are appended at the current user's entry in friends.txt, without repetition.
Creates makefriends_buffer.txt (that gets erased and created again everytime we call the script) since I haven't figured out how to change a file in place in python...