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This project is a Godot Engine addon that adds a HealthBar2D node to the editor. It extends the TextureProgress node and can be used to make various Progress bars that can represent Health, Stamina, Hunger, etc. Godot3 related code is in branch 3.x


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Note: this addon is under development/testing right now

A 2d Health bar implementation for the Godot Engine, written in GDScript.

This project is a Godot Engine addon that adds a HealthBar2D node to the editor. It extends the TextureProgress node and can be used to make various Progress bars that can represent Health, Stamina, Hunger, etc. It is released under the terms of the MIT License.


  • Clone this repository and move the content of the addons directory into the res://addons of your project
  • In your project settings, enable the plugin


After enabling, it will add a HealthBar2D node.

  • Add this node as a child of the character you like
  • As it extends from TextureProgress it will require texture. You can use the given health_bar_texture.png in the resources directory of the addon.
  • resize the Rect control property by clicking the circular arrow in the Inspector
  • Now you need two things in the parent character script. the health variable and the health_changed signal
extends KinematicBody2D  # example

signal health_changed

var health := 10
  • Before running the project. you also need to call the initialize method from the parent

One can add multiple bars using HealthBar2D and handle value change logic inside character script, just remember to emit the related signal.

func _ready() -> void:
    $HealthBar2D.initialize("health_changed", health)
  • Now whenever the character takes damage, emit our health_changed signal with the current health.
emit_signal("health_changed", health)

Thats it!

You can take a look at example.tscn scene in the example directory for a working example.


This project is a Godot Engine addon that adds a HealthBar2D node to the editor. It extends the TextureProgress node and can be used to make various Progress bars that can represent Health, Stamina, Hunger, etc. Godot3 related code is in branch 3.x





