Discussed in #4188
Originally posted by chvr203 April 20, 2022
Discussion around the nebula forums on with @wey-gu :
I’m using a composite query involving GO and FETCH.
GO FROM “v1_id” over edgeName1 yield $$ as alliasId | FETCH PROP ON edgeName2 $-.alliasId → “v3_vid” YIELD properties(edge);
Example at:
Required Traversal: v1 → v2 → v3
I need to traverse from a known v1_vid to a known v3_vid. The output of v2_vid should be used as an input to the FETCH query (as the number of edges of type edgeName2 is around 2 Billion and FETCH performs faster).
With the above query, I get a syntax error at `’ YIELD '. Looks like the problem is while providing the v3_vid in the query, which can’t be harcoded/provided. But since the v3_vid needs to be provided by us, this query is not working.
Is there a workaround to provide the v3_vid by the user? Or is it mandatory for v3_vid to be an output of the GO query.
Feature Required: Add support for FETCH
query after PIPE ( | )
so that the destination vertex can be a user defined string/ harcoded value.