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Optimizer rules compatibility #3704




Describe the bug (required)
This pr (#3255) should fix all related optimizer rules, because the expression related processing logic has been changed(VarPropertyExpression/InputPropertyExpression -> LabelTagPropertyExpression).

Your Environments (required)
Versions after this pr(#3255)

How To Reproduce(required)
Just check all expression related OptRule code logic.

Additional context

  1. Some logic of this pr maybe also need been retested
(root@nebula) [nba]> with {a:1, b:{c:3, d:{e:5}}} as x return x.b.d.e
[ERROR (-1009)]: SemanticError: The type of `x' should be tag
  1. Expression design should be reconsidered

    • reconsider data dependency design
    • avoid redundant design of expression types, eg. VarProperty/InputProperty/LabelTagProperty/LabelProperty, etc
  2. Define the promises to optimizer to avoid errors like this pr

    • what types of plannode/expression should be taken into account (eg. LabelTagProperty or VarProperty in this pr)
    • data dependency and execution dependency conflict
    • column names should be set before optimization phase (this currently may cause some potential optimization rule bugs)
    • in what scenario dose reuse of executor dataset should be concerned(eg. Filter outputVar)
    • execution plans should be guaranteed to be stateless (eg. validator or planner setting some context states on which execution plans depend should be disabled)
    • expression conversion to Value, which is really different from expression rewriting, needs to be disabled or concerned. (eg. ColumnHints design)
    • clause level and planner's cutting of statements needed to be redesigned(eg. WHERE is not a clause in its own right — rather, it’s part of MATCH, OPTIONAL MATCH, START and WITH), this may improve some code logic related to DataCollect
    • ...


added this to the v3.0.0 milestone on Jan 12, 2022

Shylock-Hg commented on Jan 14, 2022


To avoid these happen again, we could add more test cases which compare the optimized plan.

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type/bugType: something is unexpected


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    Optimizer rules compatibility · Issue #3704 · vesoft-inc/nebula