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A collection of custom R functions. Helper functions complementing CodeAndRoll2.


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A collection of custom R functions. Helper functions complementing the new CodeAndRoll2. Many functionalities were part of the formerly used CodeAndRoll (v1).


1.) Download Rocinante.R, save as local .R file, and source(~/path/to/Rocinante.R):

2.) Directly source from the web:



If you encounter a bug, something doesn't work or unclear, please let me know by raising an issue on Rocinante – Please check if it has been asked.

List of functions

  • stry

Silent try

  • sourcePartial

Source parts of another script. Source:

  • eucl.dist.pairwise

Calculate pairwise euclidean distance

  • sign.dist.pairwise

Calculate absolute value of the pairwise euclidean distance

  • rowACF

RETURNS A LIST. Calculates the autocorrelation of each row of a numeric matrix / data frame.

  • colACF

RETURNS A LIST. Calculates the autocorrelation of each row of a numeric matrix / data frame.

  • acf.exactLag

Autocorrelation with exact lag

  • rowACF.exactLag

RETURNS A Vector for the "lag" based autocorrelation. Calculates the autocorrelation of each row of a numeric matrix / data frame.

  • colACF.exactLag

RETURNS A Vector for the "lag" based autocorrelation. Calculates the autocorrelation of each row of a numeric matrix / data frame.

  • clip2clip.vector

Copy from clipboard (e.g. excel) to a R-formatted vector to the clipboard

  • clip2clip.commaSepString

Read a comma separated string (e.g. list of gene names) and properly format it for R.


Clipboard export for da wonderful countries with where "," is the decimal

  • view.head

view the head of an object by console.

  • view.head2

view the head of an object by View().

  • iidentical.names

Test if names of two objects for being exactly equal

  • iidentical

Test if two objects for being exactly equal

  • iidentical.all

Test if two objects for being exactly equal.

  • ifExistsAndTrue

Internal function. Checks if a variable is defined, and its value is TRUE.

  • memory.biggest.objects

  • link_google

Parse google search query links to your list of gene symbols. Strings "prefix" and ""suffix" will be searched for together with each gene ("Human ID4 neurons"). See many additional services in DatabaseLinke.R.

  • link_bing

Parse bing search query links to your list of gene symbols. Strings "prefix" and ""suffix" will be searched for together with each gene ("Human ID4 neurons"). See many additional services in DatabaseLinke.R.

  • GC_content

GC-content of a string (frequency of G and C letters among all letters).

  • printEveryN

Report at every e.g. 1000

  • '%!in%'

  • stopif2

Stop script if the condition is met. You can parse anything (e.g. variables) in the message

  • say

Use system voice to notify (after a long task is done)

  • sayy

Use system voice to notify (after a long task is done)

  • oo

Open current working directory.

  • unload

Unload a package. Source:

  • irequire

Load a package. If it does not exist, try to install it from CRAN.

  • legend.col


  • val2col

This function converts a vector of values("yourdata") to a vector of color levels. One must define the number of colors. The limits of the color scale("zlim") or the break points for the color changes("breaks") can also be defined. When breaks and zlim are defined, breaks overrides zlim.

  • richColors

Alias for rich.colors in gplots

  • Color_Check

Display the colors encoded by the numbers / color-ID-s you pass on to this function

  • colSums.barplot

Draw a barplot from ColSums of a matrix.

  • lm_equation_formatter

Renders the lm() function's output into a human readable text. (e.g. for subtitles)

  • lm_equation_formatter2

Renders the lm() function's output into a human readable text. (e.g. for subtitles)

  • lm_equation_formatter3

Renders the lm() function's output into a human readable text. (e.g. for subtitles)

  • hist.XbyY

Split a one variable by another. Calculates equal bins in splitby, and returns a list of the corresponding values in toSplit.

  • panel.cor.pearson

A function to display correlation values for pairs() function. Default is pearson correlation, that can be set to "kendall" or "spearman".

  • panel.cor.spearman

A function to display correlation values for pairs() function. Default is pearson correlation, that can be set to "kendall" or "spearman".

  • quantile_breaks

Quantile breakpoints in any data vector

  • hclust.getOrder.row

Extract ROW order from a pheatmap object.

  • hclust.getOrder.col

Extract COLUMN order from a pheatmap object.

  • hclust.getClusterID.row

Extract cluster ID's for ROWS of a pheatmap object.

  • hclust.getClusterID.col

Extract cluster ID's for COLUMNS of a pheatmap object.

  • hclust.ClusterSeparatingLines.row

Calculate the position of ROW separating lines between clusters in a pheatmap object.

  • hclust.ClusterSeparatingLines.col

Calculate the position of COLUMN separating lines between clusters in a pheatmap object.

  • Gap.Postions.calc.pheatmap

calculate gap positions for pheatmap, based a sorted annotation vector of categories

  • matlabColors.pheatmap

Create a Matlab-like color gradient using "colorRamps".

  • annot_col.create.pheatmap.vec

For VECTORS. Auxiliary function for pheatmap. Prepares the 2 variables needed for "annotation_col" and "annotation_colors" in pheatmap

  • annot_col.create.pheatmap.df

For data frames. Auxiliary function for pheatmap. Prepares the 2 variables needed for "annotation_col" and "annotation_colors" in pheatmap

  • annot_col.fix.numeric

fix class and color annotation in pheatmap annotation data frame's and lists.

  • annot_row.create.pheatmap.df

For data frames. Auxiliary function for pheatmap. Prepares the 2 variables needed for "annotation_col" and "annotation_colors" in pheatmap

  • sourceGitHub

  • # RemoveFinalSlash

  • ww.set.OutDir

  • backup

make a backup of an object into global env. Scheme: obj > obj.bac

  • list.dirs.depth.n

list dirs recursive up to a certain level in R

  • qHGNC

Parse HGNC links to your list of gene symbols.

  • NrAndPc

Summary stat. text formatting for logical vectors (%, length)

  • jjpegA4

Setup an A4 size jpeg


A collection of custom R functions. Helper functions complementing CodeAndRoll2.







No packages published
