- install openGL packages:
sudo apt-get install mesa-utils freeglut3-dev libeigen3-dev
- Install or compile OpenCV (currently using 3.x, if you want to use 2.x you will need to change the #includes of opencv, otherwise it will raise some compilation errors)
'WASD' - move the camera as in a FPS shooter game.
'XC' - moves the camera up and down.
'Arrow keys' - Perform camera rotation around itself like in a FPS shooter game.
'ZV' - In-plane camera rotation.
Pressing 'F' will save a snapshot of the simulation's current state. Before you do that, make sure you've created a folder called 'result' in the same folder of the binary executable. Results will be saved in the correct format that can be readily loaded by the test framework.
./nonrigid_sim_auto -h
Wind force
[--fx <float>] [--fy <float>] [--fz <float>]
[--fx_var <float>] [--fy_var <float>] [--fz_var <float>]
Light variation, rotation and camera distance
[--light_var <float>] [--rot <float>] [--cam_dist <float>]
Out directory and Save flag
[--out_dir <string>] [--save]
Time interval to variate params and save simulation
[--variation_interval <int>] [--save_interval <int>]
./build/nonrigid_sim_auto chambre.bmp --fx_var 1 --fy_var 1 --fz_var 1 --fx 0 --fy 0 --fz 0 --light_var 0 --variation_interval 30 --save_interval 10 --save