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09 - Travis, Coveralls, and Heroku

Code for this chapter available in the master branch of the JS-Stack-Boilerplate repository.

In this chapter, I integrate our app with third-party services. These services offer free and paid plans. It is a bit controversial to use such services in a tutorial that relies exclusively on community-driven and free open source tools, which is why I maintain 2 different branches of the JS-Stack-Boilerplate repository, master and master-no-services.


💡 Travis CI is a popular continuous integration platform, free for open source projects.

If your project is hosted publicly on Github, integrating Travis is very simple. First, authenticate with your Github account on Travis, and add your repository.

  • Then, create a .travis.yml file containing:
language: node_js
node_js: node
script: yarn test && yarn prod:build

Travis will detect automatically that you use Yarn because you have a yarn.lock file. Every time you push code to your Github repository, it will run yarn test && yarn prod:build. If nothing goes wrong, you should get a green build.


💡 Coveralls is a service that gives you a history and statistics of your test coverage.

If your project is open-source on Github and compatible with Coveralls' supported Continuous Integration services, the only thing you need to do is to pipe the coverage file generated by Jest to the coveralls binary.

  • Run yarn add --dev coveralls

  • Edit your .travis.yml's script instruction like so:

script: yarn test && yarn prod:build && cat ./coverage/ | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js

Now, every time Travis will build, it will automatically submit your Jest test coverage data to Coveralls.


Is everything green on Travis and Coveralls? Great, show it off to the world with shiny badges!

You can use the code provided by Travis or Coveralls directly, or use to homogenize or customize your badges. Let's use here.

  • Create or edit your like so:
[![Build Status](](
[![Coverage Status](](

Of course, replace GITHUB-USERNAME/GITHUB-REPO by your actual Github username and repository name.


💡 Heroku is a PaaS to deploy to. It takes care of infrastructure details, so you can focus on developing your app without worrying about what happens behind the scenes.

This tutorial is not sponsored in any way by Heroku, but Heroku being one hell of a platform, I am going to show you how to deploy your app to it. Yep, that's the kind of free love you get when you build a great product.

Note: I might add an AWS section in this chapter later, but one thing at a time.

Web setup

  • If that's not done yet, install the Heroku CLI and log in.

  • Go to your Heroku Dashboard and create 2 apps, one called your-project and one called your-project-staging for instance.

We are going to let Heroku take care of transpiling our ES6/Flow code with Babel, and generate client bundles with Webpack. But since these are devDependencies, Yarn won't install them in a production environment like Heroku. Let's change this behavior with the NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION env variable.

  • In both apps, under Settings > Config Variables, add NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION set to false.

  • Create a Pipeline, and grant Heroku access to your Github.

  • Add both apps to the pipeline, make the staging one auto-deploy on changes in master, and enable Review Apps.

Alright, let's prepare our project for a deployment to Heroku.

Running in production mode locally

  • Create a .env file containing:

That's in this file that you should put your local-only variables and secret variables. Don't commit it to a public repository if your project is private.

  • Add /.env to your .gitignore

  • Create a Procfile file containing:

web: node lib/server

That's where we specify the entry point of our server.

We are not going to use PM2 anymore, we'll use heroku local instead to run in production mode locally.

  • Run yarn remove pm2

  • Edit your prod:start script in package.json:

"prod:start": "heroku local",
  • Remove prod:stop from package.json. We don't need it anymore since heroku local is a hanging process that we can kill with Ctrl+C, unlike pm2 start.

🏁 Run yarn prod:build and yarn prod:start. It should start your server and show you the logs.

Deploying to production

  • Add the following line to your scripts in package.json:
"heroku-postbuild": "yarn prod:build",

heroku-postbuild is a task that will be run every time you deploy an app to Heroku.

You will also probably want to specify a specific version of Node or Yarn for Heroku to use.

  • Add this to your package.json:
"engines": {
  "node": "7.x",
  "yarn": "0.20.3"
  • Create an app.json file containing:
  "env": {

This is for your Review Apps to use.

You should now be all set to use Heroku Pipeline deployments.

🏁 Create a new git branch, make changes and open a Github Pull Request to instantiate a Review App. Check your changes on the Review App URL, and if everything looks good, merge your Pull Request with master on Github. A few minutes later, your staging app should have been automatically deployed. Check your changes on the staging app URL, and if everything still looks good, promote staging to production.

You are done! Congratulations if you finished this entire tutorial starting from scratch.

You deserve this emoji medal: 🏅

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