This is a Ruby on Rails webapp to share recipes. Currently you can upload recipes with descriptions and pictures, display them, sort them and search through them. More to come!
Built with Ruby on Rails
Also uses HTML, CSS, Javascript (JQuery and JQuery UI)
Uses a SQLite/PostgreSQL database to store the recipes
Uses CarrierWave to upload pictures to Cloudinary
Uses Rspec and Cucumber for testing
Based on the Rails Girls Workshop Tutorial
The app is live on Heroku:
Take a closer look: Click to zoom!
The index page displays the three newest recipes in each category.
You can upload new recipes with a picture and a description.
You can search through uploaded recipes and filter by category, name and/or preparation time.
This is what I plan to add to the application!
Add more info to recipes
- How much time does it take to prepare?
- What are the ingredients?
- How much do they each cost?
- How many calories does it have?
- How many portions does it make?
- Allow a recipe to be in multiple categories (for example: "Spaghetti Bolognese" fits in "Lunch", "Dinner", and "Student-friendly")
- Allow a recipe to have multiple pictures
- Allow a recipe to have a video (embedded from YouTube)
- Add a source link to recipe
Add new categories like "Student-friendly", "Vegetarian", "Vegan", "Drinks", ...
Expand the search feature so you can filter by the new attributes as well
Find recipes by ingredients
Allow members to sign up
- Only members can upload recipes
- Only members can comment, rate, favorite or add a new picture to a recipe
- Members can access a list of their favorite recipes
- Members have a personal shopping list which they can add recipes to
- Only admins can delete/edit categories, and delete/edit recipes that aren't theirs
Add a "Latest comments" section to the front page
Clone repository:
git clone
Change into directory and install gems:
cd recipes
bundle install
Comment out the following line in app/uploaders/picture_uploader.rb:
include Cloudinary::CarrierWave
Remove the comments in the following lines:
# storage :file
# def store_dir
# "uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{}"
# end
Edit config/cloudinary.yml with your personal Cloudinary cloud_name, api_key and api_secret.
cloud_name: recipeas
api_key: <%= ENV["CLOUDINARY_API_KEY"] %>
api_secret: <%= ENV["CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET"] %>
For api_key and api_secret you can set the environment variables CLOUDINARY_API_KEY and CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET on your system.
Run migrations and seed the database:
bundle exec rake db:setup
Start the server:
bundle exec rails server
Done! Open your browser and check it out. You can now make your own changes. Reset the database at any time with:
bundle exec rake db:reset
Icons used are made by Freepik from (licensed by CC 3.0 BY).