Use Stepper component for emotion creation - Add emotion date for the emotions table, and add a date picker to the emotion creation
- Add tooltips on every controller with explanations.
- Add explanation for every emotion and sub-emotion
Update trigger to use tree/sub tree - Update display emotion to show emotion type and also save the notes to DB
- Add error handling, especially for login and all UI operations
- Add loading spinner for all UI operations
- Add a new emotion type: "Other" and allow user to add a custom emotion type
Emotion type should by a table in the DB and it should be connected directly to the emotion record table - Cache the emotion cache data in state service
- Test insert notes in different languages
- Logout the current user in case the token is invalid on some request
- Add internalization
Allow to edit the note -
Allow all the parameters - Allow to let AI choose the parameters by reading the note
- Add an option to create emotion out of text (from a note) and determine all the parameters using AI. Also output explanation for every choice.
- Change emotion intensity to have 5 steps, like: low, moderate, high... and replace the color cue with words and a tooltip that will explain in details the intensity definitions.
- Idea for a chart - evolution of emotions over time: negative/neutral/positive as there can be more than one emotion per day. this will provide more detailed view on what happened over time.
- Allow emotions to be publicly shared
- allow to create an emotion for another person
Fix the future handling of the database execution, need to wrap with Future instead of returning the result wrapped into immediate future