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Apple App Attest Validation

Maven central Build status Code coverage License Written in Kotlin JVM 11 required

Server-side library to validate the authenticity of Apple App Attest artifacts, including

  1. attestation statements,
  2. assertions, and
  3. receipts (plus requesting a new one from Apple).

The project targets the JVM in version 11 or later. The library is written purely in Kotlin while leveraging coroutines for asynchronous execution where meaningful. The implementation relies on only two third party dependencies: Bouncy Castle (CMS, ASN.1 parsing) and Jackson (CBOR decoding). The software is available under the conditions of the Apache 2.0 license enabling its usage in most circumstances.

The implementation follows the steps outlined in the articles "Validating Apps That Connect to Your Server" and "Assessing Fraud Risk" at Apple Developer.

Getting Started

The library is published to Maven Central.

Gradle (Kotlin)

dependencies {

Gradle (Groovy)

dependencies {
    implementation "ch.veehait.devicecheck:devicecheck-appattest:$latestVersion"


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Verify the Attestation

An iOS app creates an attestationObject for a key created through DCAppAttestService.generateKey() by calling DCAppAttestService.attestKey(). Make sure the clientDataHash comprises a payload which includes a challenge you created within your backend prior to the app's call to attestKey. A good challenge is created randomly, only used once (i.e., one challenge per attestation) and large enough to prevent guessing.

let service = DCAppAttestService.shared

service.generateKey { keyId, error in
    guard error == nil else { /* Handle the error. */ }
    // Store keyId for subsequent operations.

service.attestKey(keyId, clientDataHash: hash) { attestationObject, error in
    guard error == nil else { /* Handle error and return. */ }
    // Send attestationObject to your server for verification.

The server implementation receives the attestationObject, e.g., Base64 encoded, and the keyId. The keyId returned from DCAppAttestService.generateKey() is already Base64 encoded (or more precisely, it is the Base64 encoded SHA-256 digest of the public key of the generated key).

To validate the authenticity of the attestationObject, instantiate an AttestationValidator for the App which calls DCAppAttestService.

// Create an instance of AppleAppAttest specific to a given iOS app, development team and
// Apple Appattest environment
val appleAppAttest = AppleAppAttest(
    app = App("6MURL8TA57", ""),
    appleAppAttestEnvironment = AppleAppAttestEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT,

// Create an AttestationValidator instance
val attestationValidator = appleAppAttest.createAttestationValidator()

// Validate a single attestation object. Throws an AttestationException if a validation
// error occurs.
val result: ValidatedAttestation = attestationValidator.validate(
    attestationObject = Base64.getDecoder().decode("o2NmbXRvYXBwbGUtYXBwYXR0ZXN0Z2F ..."),
    keyIdBase64 = "XGr5wqmUab/9M4b5vxa6KkPOigfeEWDaw7tuK02aJ6c=",
    serverChallenge = "wurzelpfropf".toByteArray(),

If the method call returns, the validation has passed and you can now trust the returned result which contains references to the attestation certificate and the verified receipt. You use the public key of the attestation certificate for the verification of assertions and the receipt for obtaining a fraud risk metric.

Also refer to AttestationValidatorTest.

Verify the Assertion

As soon as you validated the attestation statement, your app may leverage the attested public key to create assertions for arbitrary payloads using the App Attest service:

service.generateAssertion(keyId, clientDataHash: clientDataHash) { assertionObject, error in
    guard error == nil else { /* Handle the error. */ }
    // Send the assertion and request to your server.

It is worthwhile to note that the returned assertionObject does not contain the keyId by itself. You have to include it in the data which accompanies the assertionObject. Make sure to not rely on the keyId to establish a link to any identity in your systems prior to verifying the assertion's authenticity by calling AssertionValidator.validate():

// Initialize AppleAppAttest as above

val assertionChallengeValidator = object : AssertionChallengeValidator {
    override fun validate(
        assertionObj: Assertion,
        clientData: ByteArray,
        attestationPublicKey: ECPublicKey,
        challenge: ByteArray,
    ): Boolean = TODO("Your application specific challenge validation routine")

val assertionValidator = appleAppAttest.createAssertionValidator(

val assertion = assertionValidator.validate(/* ... */)

If the call returns, the app successfully proved control of the attested device. Make sure to include a challenge which suits the security demands of your service. A safe approach is to issue server-side per-assertion challenges, similar to those created for the initial attestation statement (see above).

Also refer to AssertionValidatorTest

Assess Fraud Risk with Receipts

See ReceiptValidatorTest and ReceiptExchangeTest.


Your contributions are welcome! Just submit a pull request. Also, if you have a question, feel free to open an issue.


Apache 2.0 license