This is a score predicting app for Indian premier league , kaggle was used for data then the data was filtered,cleaned,extracted ,feature extraction was performed . The data was shaped in required shape which was needed for training data ,the data was split in training and testing data and the model was trained as keeping final score as our output To run predictor run downlload pipe.pickle file and run as(streamlit run youll need some libraries which are mentioned in requirements.txt
*Score predictor predicts best result for 1st innings of the match *Atleast 5 overs has to be bowled *Data for newer team is less which makes it difficult to train for new teams so they are excluded
The best r2_score and mean_absolute_error registered in hyperparameter tuning was 0.964 and 2.31 respectively
Made by Vedant Singh and Yash Agarwal collaboratel.