Author: Bhavan Vasu Graduate Research Assistant, Real-time and computer vision lab, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York-14623
Requirements :
- Numpy
- matplotlib
- tflearn
- Opencv2
Add the training and testing samples into two folders in the current directory,named 'train' and 'test' respectively.
Alexnet was chosen for the implementation of a CatvsDog classifier using Tensorflow and python.(Check network graph for layer information) The network is trained on 18 images and validated on 2 images during training.
The network is trained for just 12 epochs with a batch size of 16 with a learning rate of 1e-5.
The network manages to achieve a test accuracy of about 50-70%, measured from visual inspection of the 20 unknown test images.
Run the '' file for the CatvsDog classifier.
To test and train:
$ python
To run tensorboard for network visualization
$tensorboard --logdir="logs"