This repository has code snippets and notes that helps to enhance our python coding skills. If you know Python and want to "explore more", this is a worthy repository to check out
- The power of slicing
- Understanding 'zip'pers
- How to play with try, except, else, finally blocks
- Taking advantage of contextmanager decorator
- Why map & filters when we have list comprehensions
- Dealing with huge data? list generators for the rescue!
- Helper functions to prioritize
- The same old global, local variable issues and challenges in the functional scoping
- Learning about special methods like init, call, iter in the classes.
- Of course, functions are better than classes in many scenarios.
- Helper classes are much better than convoluted dictionaries
- The power of @property (forget about the old generation get and set methods)
- Is private really private? If not, then why bother?
- Can Python be effective in Parallelism or is it just for Concurrency?
- Threading, Locks and Queues - Welcome to the asynchronous world!
- you should have your own stuff; virtualenv is always the right thing to do
- unittest for the isolated functions and the integration test for the interaction between functions
- pdb != gdb .. it is more agile
- cProfile and pstats helps you to optimize
- gc (garbage_collector), waste_memory, tracemalloc are good was to find the memory leaks