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VIPER Example

Presentation Logic
  • View - delegates user interaction events to the Presenter and displays data passed by the Presenter
  • All UIViewController, UIView, UITableViewCell subclasses belong to the View layer
  • Usually the view is passive / dumb - it shouldn't contain any complex logic
  • Presenter - contains the presentation logic and tells the View what to present
  • Usually we have one Presenter per scene (view controller)
  • It doesn't reference the concrete type of the View, but rather it references the View protocol that is implemented usually by a UIViewController subclass
  • It should be a plain Objective-c class and not reference any iOS framework classes - this makes it easier to reuse
  • Configurator/Assembly - injects the dependency object graph into the scene (view controller)
  • You could very easily use a DI (dependency injection) library. Typhoon is used here.
  • Router - contains navigation / flow logic from one scene (view controller) to another
  • In some communities / blog posts it might be referred to as a FlowController
  • It is usually referenced only by the Presenter
Business Logic
  • UseCase / Interactor - contains the application / business logic for a specific use case in your application
  • It is referenced by the Presenter. The Presenter can reference multiple UseCases since it's common to have multiple use cases on the same screen
  • It manipulates Entities and communicates with Gateways to retrieve / persist the entities
  • The Gateway protocols should be defined in the Application Logic layers and implemented by the Gateways & Framework Logic
  • The separation described above ensures that the Application Logic depends on abstractions and not on actual frameworks / implementations
  • Entity - plain ``Objective-C` classes
  • Models objects used by your application such as Order, Product, Shopping Cart, etc
Gateways & Framework Logic
  • Gateway - contains actual implementation of the protocols defined in the Application Logic layer
  • We can implement for instance a LocalPersistenceGateway protocol using CoreData, Realm, Sqlite, or even simple use file system
  • We can implement for instance an ApiGateway protocol using URLSession, AFNetworking or other.
  • We can implement for instance a UserSettings protocol using UserDefaults
  • Persistence / API Entities - contains framework specific representations
  • Framework specific APIs - contains implementations of iOS specific APIs such as sensors / bluetooth / camera
  • Specta used for Unit testing