"saveOutputToFile": true,
"saveProofToFile": true,
Verify recursive1 proof with pil-stark
verkey=$( tr -d ' [:blank:]' < config/recursive2/recursive2.verkey.json | awk -F " ," ' {if(NR==3) print "[\""$1"\"," ; else if (NR == 6) print "\""$1"\"]"; else if(NR>=3 && NR<7) print "\""$1"\","}' )
jq --argjson groupInfo " $( echo $verkey ) " ' . + $groupInfo' $( ls -t runtime/output/* .gen_batch_proof_public.json | head -n1) > $( ls -t runtime/output/* .gen_batch_proof_public.json | head -n1) .tmp && mv $( ls -t runtime/output/* .gen_batch_proof_public.json | head -n1) .tmp $( ls -t runtime/output/* .gen_batch_proof_public.json | head -n1)
node ../pil-stark/src/main_verifier.js -p config/recursive1/recursive1.pil -s config/recursive1/recursive1.starkinfo.json -o $( ls -t runtime/output/* .batch_proof.proof.json | head -n1) -b $( ls -t runtime//output/* .gen_batch_proof_public.json | head -n1) -v config/recursive1/recursive1.verkey.json
Verify recursive2 proof with pil-stark
node ../pil-stark/src/main_verifier.js -p config/recursive2/recursive2.pil -s config/recursive2/recursive2.starkinfo.json -o $( ls -t runtime/output/* .aggregated_proof.proof.json | head -n1) -b $( ls -t runtime/output/* .gen_aggregated_proof_public.json | head -n1) -v config/recursive2/recursive2.verkey.json
snarkjs ffv config/final/final.fflonk.verkey.json $( ls -t runtime//output/* .gen_final_proof_public.json | head -n1) $( ls -t runtime//output/* .final_proof.proof.json | head -n1)