This is an module assgnment from Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars course of Self-Driving Cars Specialization on
This assginment implements Lane Keeping Assist function by applying pure pursuit method for lateral control and PID controller for longitudinal control using Python as the programming language.
The waypoints and corresponding velocities for the track are pre-defined.
To realize this function, the open sourse simulator CARLA is introduced.
First CARLA must be installed on your machine, the CARLA loader requires Ubuntu 16.04 or later to run
Please go through CARLA-Setup-Guide-Ubuntu.pdf and install CARLA and all other dependencies properly.
First clone this repository and put it under PythonClient directory.
Open a terminal and do cd ~/opt/CarlaSimulator
Then do ./ /Game/Maps/RaceTrack -windowed -carla-server -benchmark -quality-level=Low -fps=30
Open another terminal and do cd ~/opt/CarlaSimulator/PythonClient/Lane-Keeping-Assist-on-CARLA
Then do python3
The vehicle should starting driving and following the track.
The image shown below is the result of vehicle trajectory.
The green line is the track(ground truth) and the orange line is the trajectory.
- Implement Feed Forward method for longitudinal control.
- Implement Stanley and MPC approaches for lateral control.