Primary Actor: User
Scope: Ngx-bootstrap DEMO / BS version 3&4
Goal: Show user example how to use timepicker with readonly inputs param
- User opens Timepicker demo page
- User clicks on Readonly sub-menu
- User sees timepicker component with inputs and data(according to the current time)
- User sees clickable button "Editable / Readonly input"
- When user clicks on "Editable / Readonly input" button, then timepicker inputs and buttons become unclickable and readonly
- When user clicks on any input or arrow - nothing happens
- When user clicks on "Editable / Readonly input" button again, then timepicker inputs become clickable
- When user clicks on arrow up above the hour and minute input, then hours increased at 1 and minutes increased at 5
- When user clicks on arrow down under the hour and minute input, then hours decreased at 1 and minutes decreased at 5
- Component and template src should be written with isMeridian=false and readonly=true params
2*. User scrolls to Readonly sub-menu