- dir - Display's a list of files in folders and subfolders (Usage: dir, dir *.txt (display only .txt files), dir /ad (display only folders))
- cls - Clear the screen
- cd, chdir - Display the current path or changes the path (Usage: cd, cd , cd.., chdir )
- md, mkdir - Create a new folder (Usage: md , mkdir )
- rm, rmdir - Delete a file or folder (Usage: rm , rmdir , rmdir /s )
- copy - Copy a file from one location to another (Usage: copy )
- move - Moves file from one location to another (Usage: move )
- ren, rename - Rename the file or folder (Usage: ren )
- del - Delete one or more files (Usage: del <file 1 to remove> <if file 2 to remove>)
- exit - Exit from the command prompt
- echo - Display a message in command prompt or create a file (Usage: echo , echo > )
- echo %cd% |clip - Copy to clipboard the current path
- type - Displat content of a text file (Usage: type )
- fc - Compares two files and displays the difference between them (Usage: fc <file 1 to compare> <file 2 to compare>)
- start - Open an application from cmd (Usage: start <app to open: e.g. chrome, firefox, winword>)
- systeminfo - System information
- ipconfig - Display's network configuration
- netstat - Network statistics
- help - Command prompt information
- ping - Send test packages (Usage: ping )
- tracer - Trace route (Usage: tracer )
- calc - Open the calculator
- notepad - Open the notepad
- shutdown - Shut down the computer
- start chrome - Open the Chrome browser
- start firefox - Open the Firefox browser
- start winword - Open the Microsoft Word editor
- start excel - Open the Microsoft Excel editord
- start powerpnt - Open the PowerPoint editor
- start photoshop - Open Photoshop editor
- start code - Open VS Code editor