Custom Oh My Zsh folder and other utilities.
DISCLAIMER: this repo is specific for my personal workflow and configuration. Don't use it as is, fork and customize if you like it.
IMPORTANT: install prerequisites before install Oh My Custom Zsh.
- Xcode - recommended install from Mac App Store
- Command Line Tools - recommended install with
xcode-select --install
- Homebrew - recommended install from website
- Oh My Zsh - recommended install with curl
- fnm - recommended install with
brew install fnm
- Python - recommended install with
brew install python
- pwgen - recommended install with
brew install pwgen
- Golang - recommended install with
brew install go
(runtest -d "${GOPATH}" || mkdir "${GOPATH}"
andtest -d "${GOPATH}/src/" || mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/src/"
after install) - Composer - recommended install with
brew install composer
- Duti - recommended install with
- dnsmasq - recommended install with
- Clone this repository in your $HOME folder.
git clone ~/.oh-my-custom-zsh
- If your default shell is already /bin/zsh, backup (if you want) and delete these two files.
rm ~/.zshrc
rm ~/.zprofile
- Create symbolic links of
into your $HOME folder.
ln -s $HOME/.oh-my-custom-zsh/zfiles/.zshrc $HOME/.zshrc
ln -s $HOME/.oh-my-custom-zsh/zfiles/.zprofile $HOME/.zprofile
Start a new terminal session.
Install all custom themes and plugins.
Create symbolic link of
into your $HOME folder.
ln -s $HOME/.oh-my-custom-zsh/spaceship/.spaceshiprc.zsh $HOME/.spaceshiprc.zsh
- Create symbolic link of
into your $HOME folder.
ln -s $HOME/.oh-my-custom-zsh/git/.gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig
- Create symbolic link of
into your $HOME folder.
ln -s $HOME/.oh-my-custom-zsh/git/.gitconfig_workspace $HOME/.gitconfig_workspace
- Create symbolic link of
into your $HOME folder.
ln -s $HOME/.oh-my-custom-zsh/git/.gitconfig_github $HOME/.gitconfig_github
- Create symbolic link of
into your $HOME folder.
ln -s $HOME/.oh-my-custom-zsh/git/.gitignore_global $HOME/.gitignore_global
- vscode -
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/vscode
- zsh-autosuggestions -
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-interactive-cd -
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-interactive-cd
- zsh-syntax-highlighting -
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
- laravel/installer - run
composer global require laravel/installer
to install
- gulp - run
npm i -g gulp
- htmlhint - run
npm i -g htmlhint
- prettier - run
npm i -g prettier
- standard - run
npm i -g standard
- ack
- ansible
- azure-cli
- bat
- ctop
- gh
- gnupg
- hey
- hssh (
brew tap heply/tap
) - httpie
- mas
- mysql-client
- nmap
- php@8.2 (
brew install php@8.2 && brew link --force php@8.2
) - speedtest (
brew tap teamookla/speedtest
) - terraform
- trash
- tree
- watch
- wget
- wp-cli
- zbar