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Edge List file

Prepare your file of edges list, in the format of
source-node \t destination-node. For exemple: download the data set in the first question in tme1.pdf. Download and extract the files.


Use command g++ file.cpp -o file -O9


Use command ./<prog-name> <edgelist-filename>.
If there are some header lines in the file, use ./<prog-name> <edgelist-filename> <headerlines-ignore> to ignore the first header lines.

ex1: Load Graph

This program will give the number of nodes and edges in output.

ex2_adjmatrix: print the Adjacency matrix of graph

This program will print the Adjacency matrix of graph. The matrix is implemented with a 2-dimension array so it might take a high occupation of memory.

ex2_adjarray: print the adjacency list of graph

This program will print the Adjacency list of graph. With list in C++, the neighbours will be pushed into the list of each node.

ex3_bfs: calculate the lower and upper bound of diameter of graph

This program will calculate the lower and upper bound of diameter of graph with the algorithm BFS.

triangles.ipynb: calculate the triangles of graph

Run the file triangle.ipynb, in the last cell modify the parameter of function tme1_triangle with the filename of graph.
This program will list the triangles of graph into memory and give the number of triangles.